The Kerouac Contagion

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A sometimes writer who wanders the roads.

Meandering east to west

And back again

And sometimes south.

His madness motivates, it infects.

It slinks into songs, even those written by a great.

Katy Perry was infected, she was inspired.

Her Firework was riddled by Deans and Brands.

Her lyrics quotes of the man himself.

A man of visions.

A seeker of IT.

Sidekick to the master of madness—Dean Moriarty.

Katy’s master, her superhero, her demigod of delirium—Russell Brand.

He speeds through life at 110 miles per hour.

Leaving her in the dust.

Abandoning her at the side of the road

With a broken heart and a few lyrics in her pocket.

Erratic and empty, her heart thumps a tune.

Paired with lingering lyrics spawns a song.

Like a phoenix, her Firework rises

From the ashes.

Embers of hate burn in our hearts

For a girl, an adulterous, an actress.

A legion stands ready to strike,

To tear at her throat,

To knock her down

For her movies and misdeeds.

Sparkling supernaturals nor determined dwarves, neither can save her.

Death is imminent to her image, to her career.

Limbo awaits.

Solace is found, even for the condemned.

Kristen Stewart claims sanctuary in his story.

Her fealty sworn through film

In the guise of Marylou—the mate of Madness.

She finds religion,

The Kerouac religion.

Once IT is found, others begin to dig it,

Dig her.

The madness liberates,

Freeing the oppressed.

Bestowing visions onto its apostles,

Converting them into prophets

That sing and act and travel,

Spreading the madness to the masses.

Indoctrinating them into the Cult of Kerouac,

Dutiful to the madness, to madmen like Dean.

At their beck and call, pitiful puppies that await their masters’ commands.

Body snatched when he spurts his nonsense.

His voice like jazz, enamoring, enslaving,

Chaining you to the craziness.

Merging the madness into your very soul.

Infecting you

Until only madness remains.

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