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Love Child : Prologue

He was a bright boy an she was a confident woman. He had everything and she had nothing. Nonetheless, their two worlds collided in ease, step by step, minute by minute they became infatuated with each other. he was in it for the love, and she, for pleasure.

They battled through treacherous chaos, and tedious fights lead from one thing to another. From the time they met, they had fell deeply and uncontrollably in love with one another, until it was time to let go; leaving the girl with a delicate order in her hands.

Four years had passed and they were still apart; and she dreaded each and every minute of not seeing him. He had moved on; tabloids and media showed her that. But she knew, oh how she knew, that it was all a façade. She never imagined him to be the womaniser the media made him out to be. He was always so caring, gentle and courteous; she never saw him for his player ways. He was intelligent; clever at that, quiet but very social, temperamental but knew how to control himself and dear god was he loving. His sweet side always got the best of her, and she knew; even if she denied it, that she loved this curly-haired man with glowing emerald eyes that so desperately wanted to see inside her soul.

Although she loved him, she knew that they could never be together. She knew that it would ruin his reputation. She knew it would ignite hatred and torment from the world; and she knew they could not be together simply because she pushed him. She pushed him too hard and fast and in the end her actions caused her to hurt more than he.

Four years she spent without his touch, without his love. She missed the way his lips curled into a sleepy grin when they awoke the morning after. She miss the way his mop of curls swept over his forehead when it was a mess. She missed the way his eyes sparkled bright embers of green when he looked into hers while they made love. She missed the way his long eyelashes tickled her dimpled cheeks when they kissed. But most of al she missed the idea he planted into her head; telling her over an over, that in the near future they would have a life together. They would be as one, and they would live happily until the day they took their last breath.

She once thought that it was possible. That she would become accustomed to his life and she would follow his tail wherever he went. She would settle down with him and stop her destined career, just so they could be happy. But she also thought about the consequences of giving up everything for him. This was all she knew. This was all he did not understand. She had become accustomed to her own life and she was everyone else's but not her own. She was tied down and if she knew a way out she would take it. But she cannot. Her place and destiny had been set out to her and she cannot stop; for her life.

He tried, lord did he try. He tried so hard to help her; to set her free. But this was something that money could not buy. This was something far more intense and far too personal. This was her life. Her fears, dreams and nightmares; her family, life and career all moulded; connected in one way or another, to this minor yet major situation. He could fight, fight as hard as he was able to and yet she still would never want to go. She would still never want to leave. She had always had better intentions; dreamed of bigger things; a better life. And he knew that. He knew that she wanted more, he knew she wanted to live; to breathe; to be free and he could give her that. He was willing to give her all she wanted and she pushed him. Too far.

She never realised the hurt; the agony she was putting him through. She never saw him as a miserable person because she was miserable too; and she thought it was normal. The heartache in his eyes, the permanent frown indented between his brows. The regular violet circles contrasting with his usually forest eyes and the way his full rose lips never turned into a cheeky grin anymore. All of this became normality for her and she hadn't noticed. She was toxic and she was killing him slowly.

Although she knew she had the ability to love him the way he should be loved, she still chose not to. So she pushed him to his limits until he couldn't handle the pain anymore.

Copyright © Monique Warnock 2014


So! my lovely cupcakes!

This is the description or prologue whatever, whatever!

I hope you liked it and if not tell me. Box belowwwwww!

Tell me what you think.

I'm very excited for what's to come in this story and I also have four other fics about the other boys also!

Comment, vote and fan, share, share, Share please. It would make my day.

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Love yas!

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