Chapter 35: Disco and truth

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I missed class since Kaitlyn decided to long out our conversation. Thanks for that!

Its soon break and everyone asked me where I was.

"Didn't feel good so went to sick bay" I say pretending to look ill.

Everyone seemed to believe me but Aaron looked at me carefully to see whether I was really saying the truth, I quickly took my eyes off him and we continued with our day.


"IM SO HUNGRY" I say once the days over, you see the school let us off at lunch time which meant we had to go home without them giving us lunch.

"Me too" Jazz says clutching onto her stomach.

"You're always hungry" Zach says to Jazz.

"Eh can't deny that" She shrugs.

"Want to come to mine?" Mia asks everyone and us all agree to it.

We all go to her house and go to her back garden in the pool. Seeing as pizza is always our option, we once again called it and right now it's swimming around the pool.

"Hey Amy you got a message" Aaron says grabbing my phone.

He sees the message and is about to question it but passes it to me silently.

I'm watching you Amy, remember what I have said ~ unknown.


I laugh nervously to show Aaron that's it's a joke message and I ignore it.

Being at Mia's house is no use, this is my last warning. After this I won't warn you again ~ unknown.

I get uneasy when I see the text and I start fidgeting a little. No one notices because they are playing with the ball and making fun of Reece.

"Ah gonna have to run, bye guys" I say quickly taking a pizza and getting out of the pool.

"Wait, where you going?" Aiden asks.

"Home, um have to baby sit my cousin" I lie.

"I'll come with, got nothing to do after this anyway" he says about to come out of the pool.

"NO, I mean no it's fine. She doesn't like unfamiliar people unless she's with her mum" I say nervously and go before they can ask any more questions.

I got home and lied down in my bed thinking about everything. I flip over and shut my eyes.

"Sweety someone is here for you" I hear my door open with my mum coming in and Aaron following behind.

I see the time and it's been 2 hours since I left and I'm pretty sure everyone left after I did.

"Hey" I say getting up from my bed rubbing my eyes.

"Hey can I crash here for a bit?" Aaron asks.

'Stay away from Aiden and his friends' Kaitlyn's words pop up in my head.

'You will regret it' ugh make it stop.

"Amy?" My mum calls.

"Oh yes?" I ask coming out of my thoughts.

"Sorry Aaron, I am a little busy" I say biting my lip and not looking him in the eye.

"Baby sitting? Don't worry I'm great with kids" He says making himself comfortable.

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