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(Yoona POV)

Hi Good morning,

I’m Yoona, I was 25 when I died. The thing is, I worship my god so well, I was encouraged by my parents to be so faithful; but when I died, I was locked up in the Planet of judgement.

The Planet of Judgement is out of the Earth’s atmosphere, no telescopes could see it because only the dead ones can see it; so if you can see it in the sky; go find your grave. Until now, I’m still out there wearing red shoes; it symbolizes that the Asper, or the judge out there, hasn’t decided if whether you’d go to Dragonish for the sinners or to the Opel for the good ones. I still do remember my family, but as I know they are all now in the Opel; I alone was left here without the final decision of the Asper. I died because of I saved my best friend, Sehun’s life and that’s as of I could remember; but he’s also here and I don’t know why we’re still here. I asked the Asper why, he keeps on telling me to tell him the real story of my death; I kept on explaining to him that I saved my best friend’s life who also died but he wouldn’t believe me.

By the way, I’m already here for 1000 years and the run of time here is still like the Earth’s; 365 days every year. But we don’t grow, until now I’m still 25 years old. I really wanna go to Opel now.

By the way, if you’d ask me about my love life; do you think I would still care in that? NO WAY………….

(Kris’ POV)

Hi! Good Day ladies and gentlemen,

My name’s Kris, I’m already 25 years old. I live here in London with my mother and my grandma which is the mother of my father. My father died last week because he was shot in the head, while a chaos was happening between our neighbours; he tried to stop them in fighting but instead he’s life was stopped. The suspect is now in jail, but he’s claimed as a psychotic one because he keeps on telling the cops that uhmm..what do you call that again? AH! Now I remember, it’s the Asper. He says that an Asper tells him through dreams to tell a man that someone is going to ask help upon him, with that; if he had helped that “someone”; he’s father would live again. I think that man he’s telling is me, but no one knows what an Asper is; and I don’t believe in that, no not until an my eyes could see it.

By the way, even though I’m still mourning for my father; my mother and my grandma started to tease me to find a girlfriend but, SUSH! I don’t believe in such things like that, like that “LOVE” could still be gifted to me by a stranger, no not until my heart could feel it. Of course, I love my mother and grandma but a girlfriend? Fiancé? Wife? Huh, not in this face full of pimples.

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