♡- 04.

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✧ IV. ✧

Louis shut the washer lid after loading it up, deciding to throw in a bit of his own clothes so he wasn't wasting water for just a pair of panties.

The 24 year old didn't know how to make much, so he settled on making the two of them grilled cheese instead of what Louis usually fed himself; a bowel of ramen noodles or a bag of chips.

Louis sighed softly while leaning against the counter, watching the bread turn to toast from the heat. He really didn't know what he was doing with his life right now.

He had a complete sixteen year old in his house right now who wore panties and skirts. Not to mention how he left Louis with raging boners... Yeah, that was completely normal.

Louis rolled his eyes in disgust. He felt like a teenage boy who couldn't control when his dick got hard, only Louis wasn't a teenager.

He was a 24 year old grown man getting off on the appearance and actions of a practical child. He felt so disgusting.. Knowing he had acted upon his sick actions just a few minutes ago-

Leaving this small boy with a swollen cock. Leaving himself with such filthy thoughts of relieving the beautiful nymph.

Louis hadn't realized the toast was burning until he smelt a gross smell, cursing himself and scooping up the now burnt sandwich.

He bit down on his lip, sliding the sandwich on his own plate. It obviously wasn't going to be Harry's.

Louis started on the next sandwich, this time making sure his attention was kept on the sandwich instead of thinking upon his sins.

Harry was spread out on the large bed, hands gripping onto the bed sheet and focusing on the nice feel to it. Not thinking of the slightly sticky mess building up between his thighs at the moment.

As much as he wanted to relieve himself, Louis said not to do anything stupid so he was sticking to his request, no matter how much pain he was in at the moment.

Harry let a soft groan escape from his lips, deciding to just roll onto his tummy and keep his face buried into the pillow. Louis had been cooking for quiet some time, Harry was almost positive he could get away with a quickie.

The helpless boy slowly rocked his hips against the mattress, sensitive cock rubbing against the foreign texture of his skirt. It didn't matter that his pretty skirt was going to get dirty with his cum, because it felt absolutely amazing.

He adored his skirts very much, yes. Harry would never want to ruin his beautiful skirts, but this was much too important. Besides, Louis had a washer that got rid of every stain!

The thought of this left Harry feeling a bit less naughty of a boy, even with his filthy actions being naughty as of now.

So he continued to rut against the bed despite what Louis said, soft gasps escaping his lips with each sloppy roll he put effort in.

Harry bit down into the pillow to muffle the growing moans, his emerald eyes rolling into the back of his head with such enormous pleasure flowing through his body.

Maybe just maybe he was getting off on the thought of Louis walking in and catching him.

Harry was a moaning mess and flushed face, the warm feeling in his lower tummy building up just like it had when he made a mess of his panties.

"Lou, Lou.." Harry chanted, the mans' name suddenly falling so freely from his plump lips when nearing his orgasm, "A-Ah!"

"Here Harry, sorry for taking so long-" Louis paused in the middle of the room, dropping the plate of food with his face automatically turning red from walking into Harry's private time.

Harry let out a string of curse words suddenly, cumming heavily onto his baby blue skirt with jagged breaths, gripping onto the bedsheets while coming down from his high.

Louis blinked twice, yelling at himself mentally for feeling another stiffy coming on, Harry slowly lifting up his head of messed up curls, whole face an ever deeper shade of red now.

Harry sat up from the bed, biting down on his lip from the sensitivity and turning to sit on his bum slowly, working up an apology, "I know you said not to Lou, b-but it started to hurt and I was bored.."

Harry felt a sudden wash of guilt come over him, not understanding why tears were starting to cloud his vision over disobeying a whole stranger.

Louis stayed still in his spot, honestly not sure what to say after walking in on Harry. He noticed that Harry was starting to cry and it concerned Louis, thinking it was because he walked in on him.

"Bambi please don't cry, love. I'm so sorry for walking in on you. Please stop." Louis rushed out, holding the boy close to him as a bit of panic set in.

He really didn't want Harry to leave if he was being completely honest. It hadn't even been a day but Louis already felt connected with the boy.

"W-what?" Harry sniffled, shaking his head and pushing Louis just a bit so he could look up at his face, "No, no. I touched myself when you said not to, Lou. I'm naughty and bad and I made you drop our lunch!" Harry sobbed, gripping onto Louis' shirt.

Louis took in a sharp breath. Harry was upset because he touched himself? It was wrong that Louis' tummy flipped a bit by the boy wanting to be submissive, but what wasn't wrong with Louis now a days?

"Harry it's fine, i'm not in control of what you do." Louis explained, combing his fingers through the boys tangled curls. He decided to just drop the subject, not wanting Harry to be anymore upset than he already was.

"Lets just get you in the bath. I can make us something else and we can even like, get to know each other since you're practically a stranger." Louis teased, smiling down at Harry to cheer him up.

Harry let out a weak giggle and nodded, wiping away his tears and sniffing, "Do you have any bubbles, Lou?" Harry asked, lifting up his arms in request for Louis to carry him.

Louis smiled, easily lifting Harry up and placing him on his hip as he walked to the bathroom, "I do actually. Especially for you."

(i wrote this in between classes so i'm sorry if there's any errors. told you i'd be back within the week aha. uh finding stuff for louis is actually really hard for me idk why lmao. hope u enjoyed. xx)

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