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A deep blush spread across Naruko's face, her mouth opened a bit and her blue eyes widen. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? She looked down shyly, she didn't know that Sakuro had been thinking about that kind of thing. Sakuro's love for her was stronger than she thought it was. Sakuro kneed over to the end of the couch with Naruko. He smiled, she was so cute when she blushed. He placed to fingers under her chin lifted her head gently, "You are such a klutz, you know that?" he said gently. "But, I still love this klutz."

Sakuro leaned in close, pressing his forehead against Naruko's. Naruko looked into Sakuro's beautiful green eyes, the deep blush on her face wasn't going away it was just glowing brighter. Sakuro, only Sakuro, could make her blush like this. Other guys like, Hinota, had tried to pursue her and confessed his love to her, but there was only one guy Naruko desired to be with and that was Sakuro. She loved Sakuro with all her heart, and if she were with someone other than him, she wouldn't be happy, she wouldn't be satisified. How she finally won Sakuro's heart, she will never know, but really that didn't matter. As long as he was her's, nothing mattered.

"Do-do you really want to marry me, Sakuro-kun?" Naruko whispered gently.

"Yes, I want to marry you, baka. You're the one I chose. You're the one I wanted in the end."

"Hmph, what about the time when you wanted to be with Sasuka?"

"In the past...* Sakuro whispered, cupping Naruko's cheek.

Naruko held her breath and closed her eyes as Sakuro leaned in for a kiss. She was still so shy about kissing him even if they had been dating almost two years. Sakuro kissed Naruko gently, his eyes half opened to look upon the girl's blushing face. Never in a million years did he think he would fall for her. He was certain that one day he would be with Sasuka. He thought it was destined, but then he somehow had fallen for Naruko Uzumaki.

Sakuro kissed her again this time a little longer, Naruko's heart was pounding now. She gently took Sakuro's hands in her's and began to gently kiss him back. They sat there for a while, kissing each other gently, holding hands. A light smacking sound and the low volume of the T.V. could only be heard. Naruko moved her right, twisted ankle slightly and flinched in pain.

"Ow-ow-ow," Naruko whimpered.

"Oh, forgot about the ice." Sakuro said, nervously laughing. "Sorry, I thought I could kiss the pain away."

Sakuro winked at her, Naruko gently laughed, "Well, it worked... for a while anyway."

Sakuro stood up and placed the ice on Naruko's ankle, she sighed in relief, "Thank you."

"Mmm-hmm," Sakuro hummed, kissing his girlfriend's forehead. "Is there anything else I could get you?"

"Maybe some ice cream?"


"Orange sherbert! You know that's my favorite."

Sakuro nodded as he turned and headed for the kitchen, "I know, I know."

"Oh and Sakuro-kun, one more thing!" Naruko called out.

"Hmm? What is it?" he asked, turning toward her.

"I think you'll make a fine doctor," Naruko paused and smiled brightly. "And an amazing husband."

Sakuro blushed faintly and smiled back. Naruko made a heart with hands, Sakuro turned and smiled more, heading for the kitchen again. Naruko sighed gently, never before in her life did she think that she wanted get hurt a little bit more often, especially if Dr. Haruno was tending to her!

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