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"Huh? Why I felt like this now?" She feels the uneasy throbbing of her heart," why I can't feel this way?" She swipe-open the monitor of the wall-tv. She's worrying on something that unexplanable. She puts-off the tv and went to the terrace to breathe fresh air. 

 The silent blinking of lights at a distant welcome her. The moon shines so bright that whispering her something. A sudden breeze hug her and an unexplained feelings prevails her sinews. She wrap her sweater very tight. 

 "What's my son doing now?...ahmmm, maybe he's busy now..."she smiled thinking of her son. Her uneasy feelings still continues. The thoughts of her son makes her smile. The only treasure that she had. 

 The attitudes of her son of being a responsible man are the traits of her bereaved husband. She enters the house heading into the kitchen to drink. She feels a sudden lump on her throat. 

Suddenly the telephone rings."This is the Elite Troopers escort madam, a directive from the higher commander urgently inform you to take a visit at the Base Phivolts!" says a man at the other end of the line," in a few minutes, we're at your house..."and the voice fades. 

 Zaphfyl did not expect the call. She's stunned thinking why she is invited." Maybe, a surprise recognition that my son got will be awarded that's why they didn't tell me...hmmm, it's better to prepare. In a few second they will come". She prepares herself but the thoughts never fades on her mind. Why she is invited to come. 

 The escort ship of the Base Phivolts comes. They're heading to the Shoe Island." Commander please, tell me. Why they are inviting me to visit the Base?" She ask the commander of the Elite Troopers escort."What they want from me? " 

 They are tongue-tied not to answer. 

 "Is this all about my son?" She is eager for an answer, " commander, answer me?!.." 

 "Madam sorry, Lourd Macatarungan will explain you all..." The commander replies.

 "W-why? Something happens to my son?" Her eyes begins to show a tear. "My God no!..." She cries. 

 "Madam so sorry, we have nothing to tell...excuse me..." The commander walks away.

 She did not know her feelings right now. Her feet is nailed on the floor. She has a strong admonitions that her son was in a bad conditions."I can't bear it..." She cries. 

 The escort ship enters the entrance of the Base Phivolts that was high-technologically engineered. It was built under the sea. The wide sea between the Shoe Island and Biliran Island opens and a platform rises. The ship enters the highly reinforced door. 

The girl has been slowly escorted. Every step they make was very hard for the girl. Knowing that she can witness the condition of her beloved son. That in her mind, it is lying in bed, cold and dead. The truth that the escorts are having hard time telling her. But to the heart of a mother, she strongly feels it.

 A shouting truth that welcome her. She saw her son lying. She nearly lost her consciousness. Wanting to scream her heart out that the moment is not true. She's been dreaming and a sudden jerk can cause her to wake-up. But the shouting truth, her only son, her loving-good son is dead. She lost her senses. 

 The escort quickly brings the unconscious girl into the bed.The death of Vander spread all over the country. All walks of life come to mourn in the funeral of their hero. 

 Meanwhile, Zirr was very much bothered. His eagerness to know the culprit of his friend's fate intensifies. The face of Dzaba in his mind brings rage to his sinews and shouted for revenge. He remember a thing, looking on a secret state-of-the-art mini-compartment designed by Vander secretly at the computer spy."P-promise me bro...do not leave my mama...at the computer spy bro..." The last words of Vander that came ringing his ears.His hands are eager to discover the culprit of this mess. He slowly open the compartment of the secret mini-computer, a size of an i-pod that has a memory that can restore a multi-million bytes of data. He begins scanning the recorded scenes.All are recorded there. His anger intensifies, and connect the i-pod on the tv- monitor of the Base. 

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