Part 1(/1)

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"I love all these memories and qualities about you, Matthias, but here's what I wish would happen in our future..."


The day was June 1. You were at the Lego store, trying to find the right pieces for an art project you were working on.

"Hey (Y/n!)" Your best friend Matthias yelled.

"Hm?" You asked, trying not to be suspicious. He spotted you in the Lego store, a place you didn't usually go.

"What're you doing here?" The Dane asked. Of course, he wouldn't be able notice your strange behavior, since he's so oblivious to you and your feelings.

"Um, buying legos?" It was quite obvious on what you were doing, as you had about ten boxes of Legos in your cart.

"Oh ok! I'll buy stuff with you!" His loud voice boomed across the store, and kids often can over to see what the racket was.

You picked up about three more boxes and checked out. Matthias insisted on carrying all the boxes. All 13 of them. He finally decided to pop the question, "Why do you need all these boxes?"

You tried to take some off his very tall stack, but he didn't let you, "A project I'm doing. I have to finish it quickly, it has to be done on the fifth."

The Dane's eyes lit up, and he said, "That's my birthday!"

You smiled and said, "Well hurry up, you want a present or not?"

"You wouldn't."

"I would if you don't go away."

Matthias sighed and said, "Ok, go then!"

You smiled and ran off. Matthias watched her retreating figure in the distance. "Wait! I need to give you the Legos!"

<Time Skip!>

It was done.

Through all your blood, sweat, and tears, you'd finished it. 'Just in time too.' You though, putting a sheet decorated with the Danish flag over it. The Lego project had taken you the four days, and you finished 5 minutes before your Nordic friends came over.


'Maybe Tino's ringing the doorbell today? Matthias always spams the poor thing.' You wondered. You thought wrong.

"Tino move!" Was audible from inside the house.


Ok, so maybe you were right before. "I get it! Matthias be patient!" You yelled while speeding down the stairs.

"You heard her you Stupid Dane." Cue choking noises, "Ice, call me big brother."

"No! Why would I ever? That's so childish!"

"Uwa~! You should do it Ice! It must be so nice to be called Big Brother! Don't you think Su-san?"


You hadn't even opened the door, yet they talked like there was no tomorrow.

"Sorry I took a bit! I had to finish...." As you trailed off, Tino and Emil raised their eyebrows, Berwald nodded- he helped you-, Lukas continued to choke Matthias, and you don't think Matthias heard.

The five men entered and you proceeded with the birthday celebration. First with cake, then random games, then presents.

Emil gave him a stuffed puffin, Lukas gave him a clip-on tie- Tino forced him to, much to his dismay-, and Tino and Berwald gave him a giant Danish flag. You were excited and nervous to give him your gift. You see, your present could be the best for him or the worst for you. It was a confession gift, but it took you four days to make. With thirteen boxes of Legos.

"Where's your gift (Y/n)?" The blue eyes Dane asked, tilting his head. His gravity defying hair didn't move though, but you thought it was cute anyway. "I-it's upstairs."

None of the other Nordics except Berwald knew what the gift was. They all knew about your teeny tiny- MASSIVE crush on the loud, obnoxious Dane. Lukas raised his eyebrows while Emil muttered, "Matthias is getting laid tonight."

Your face formed a blush and you stammered out, "N-no! It's n-not like that!" Matthias heard you and turned, "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing! Let's j-just go upstairs already."

You took his hand quickly and sprinted up the stairs, the other four men following.

You pulled Matthias to the table, to which his cute blue eyes lit up at the sight of his flag. You pulled the sheet off gingerly to reveal your hard work.

It was your Lego life story together.

At first, it was a figure with (h/c) hair and another with spiky blonde hair. The boy was helping the girl up after he apparently bumped into her. That was the time you met.

The next scene showed them watching a movie together. That was the first time they hung out.

Scene after scene showed both the girl and the boy, with a few other figures occasionally. The different sets showed a cake being spilled onto the girl, the boy being chased by a fluffy white dog, and many more. You could tell Matthias loved it, because tears pricked his eyes.

It showed a scene with you pulling up the Danish table cloth as well, but there was a piece of paper next to it. It read, "I love all these memories and qualities about you, Matthias, but here's what I wish would happen in our future..."

The next Lego displays showed the two figure on a bench, holding hands. The ones that followed showed the pair kissing, going on more dates, and eventually marrying. The end showed the two figures happy with kids with the words,

"Jeg elsker dig Matthias."

Matthias wiped his tears with the end of his tie and looked at you.

"(Y/n).... did you do all of this by yourself?"

You shook your head, "Berwald helped me with most of it, but-" You were cut off by a pair of lips on yours. It was Matthias.

He was kissing you.

'WAIT WHAT?!' Your mind screamed, you didn't actually expect him to like you back!

When he finished- with Tino gushing on how cute it was, Emil and Lukas scoffing, and Berwald actually giving a small smile- Matthias grinned the grin that could light up your worst days and said,

"Jeg elsker også dig (Y/n)"

~Fin (LAND)

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