Hichigo's untold story - part 3

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Ichigo laid his head down to go sleep but a bizzare beeping sound was going on. he thought it was his alarm clock but when he checked it it was off... stupid ichigo... he is very blind aint he!! 'what the...' ichigo said to him self. suddenly ichigo's wardrobe slammed open and rukia popped out! and no... ichigo did not know about this.... but he is still a massive pervert!!! anyway...ichigo almost jumped out of the window in shock!! He didn't expect rukia to be in his wardrobe!! 'ICHIGO COME ON!! A HOLLOW IS CLOSE!!' Rukia shouted at him 'w-why are you in my wardrobe?! How long have you been in there?!' 'No time for that! COME ON!' Rukia pulled on her red fingerless glove and pushed ichigo's soul out of his body! Unfortuanly rukias powers hadn't cam back yet so she had to stay in her gigi. Her and ichigo jumped out of the window and ran towards. Where the hollow was located. -ichigo drew out his zampakuto and slashed it against the hollow and killed it. 'Good job ichigo!' Rukia thumbs uped to ichigo, 'ichigo sighed and drew in his zampakuto. 'How many are these things? When are they going to stop showing up?!' 'How ever long it takes... Come on... You left your body alone...' Ichigo and rukia head back to the kurosaki house together and when they got there ichigo jumped back into his body and rukia climbed into his wardrobe. 'Night' rukia whispered to ichigo, 'night' he whispered back.

'GOOD MORNING ICHIGO!!!' ichigo's dad barged into his room and almost fell straight through the window! 'ichigo got up and sighed. 'dont you know how to knock?!' ichigo changed his shirt and walked down stairs. when he got there he noticed breakfast was on the table. 'hello ichigo' his sister yuzu smiled to him. ' hey yuzu... hey karin' ichigo waved to both of his younger sisters. ichigos dad ran back down the stairs and tried to hit ichigo again. but ichigo dodged it and punched his dad in the face! 'i see you have grown stonger and you have better reflexes...' ichigos dad pointed out. as ichigo sat down, his sister pointed something else out.  'have you been working out? your muscles are bigger aswell... ' 'oh um... i guess they um... have....' ichigo looked at his arms and realised his muscles are bigger. 

'well... um im off to school so bye everyone!' ichigo got up and put his shoes on, grabbed his bag and walked out the door. ichigo is an not observant kid... thats one reason why i dont like him... he realises something after he has done it. but amyway, ichigo was on the way to school and he saw rukia pop up next to him. 'how the hell do you get out of my house without getting caught?!' ichigo sighed and looked at her. 'i jumped out the window...' rukia smiled. 'makes sense... you are so small you dont make so much noise when you land...' oh ichigo... he thinks he can get away of being rude to rukia... HES SO STUPID!!! because he then got a bruise on the side of his face from rukia!!!! 

anyway... ichigo and rukia walked to school and spotted orihime and chad waiting there. 'hey ichigo!!' orihime shouted. 'hey orihime... hey chad...' ichigo replied casually when walking up to them.  'oh hello rukia!' orihime smiled and waved to rukia 'oh hi... orihime...' rukia couldnt remember her name properly. so ichigo, rukia, chad and orihime walked over to class and sat into there seats. 

ichigos class went on like usual and when it was break and rukia went off to check her phone for anything from the soul society in private. ichigo was walking around school for a bit since he had nothing to do... once again he was an idiot!! he shouldnt of left rukia!! expecially since what had happened to her... so anyway... rukia was on the field where the kids can go at break and when its lunch they play football. 3 boys walked up to her and kept trying to chat her up. 'oh hey they... you wanna come over my house after school?' one of the boys said. 'no... i dont know who you are and it seems like i dont want to know... 'rukia put her phone away and tryed to get rid of the boys. 'oh come on... if you dont come with us... we'll do it here!!' another boy teased her, but the problem was that she didnt know what they was talking about. 'what do you mean?' 'oh... you dont know? well... lets demonstrate!' the first boy laughed and pushed her against the fence. the second boy started to unbutton her shirt and other boy lifted up her skirt. but the boys forgot to put there football away... 

they usually play football on there own at break since all they do is play football.but one of the boys got a football kicked in the back of his head! 'WHO WAS THAT?!' the kid turned around with an angry expression on his face to see an orange hair kid standing there. 'what exactly are you doing to her?' 'what do you mean? were teaching her something!' 'why?' 'because she didnt know what it was!' 'doesnt mean you have to do that to her!' 'what are you going to do about it?' the 3 boys left rukia and  walked up to ichigo. 'just leave her and you dont have to go hospital...' 'HOSPITAL?! DO YOU THINK WE ARE WEAK?! YOU GINGE!!!' that was all they had to do to set off ichigo... he fought them with no problem and left them after with broken bones, bruises, cuts and lots of blood. 'i told you to leave her... so that was your fault...' ichigo spoke while walking up to rukia. 'you ok?' he spoke softly while rukia was buttoning up her shirt. 'oh yea im fine... they didnt do anything to hurt me... but the main question is are you ok? you did take quite a beating!' 'they didnt hurt me... im used to having fights with people...' ichigo rubbed the back of his head. rukia smiled at him and noticed he had a cut on his face. 'so this doesnt hurt?' she touched his cut and blood was on her finger. 'OW!!' ichigo quicky put his hand onto his face, 'what was that for?!' 'you said you didnt get hurt... i was just proving my point...' rukia smiled again and hugged ichigo. ichigo blushed a little and hugged her back. 

look how cute they are!! if you ship that ichiruki stuff then you should love that moment... so anyway, ichigo and rukia walked to class when the bell went, and orihime was stood there alone and a little upset. 'hey orihime, whats up with you? you are not your usual self...' ichigo asked her, 'im.. im fine ichigo...' 'orihime rubbed her eye from what looked like tears, 'it dont seem like you are fine.... tell me...' 'well... your always with rukia now and im happy for you but its just sad that nothing has ever happened like that with us... not once and you dont even know rukia....' 'i know rukia more than what you think.... but there is nothing happening with between me and her, and the same to me and you, now lets go off to class....' orihime walked off to class quickly and rukia walked over to ichigo wrapped an arm around him 'its all right.... orihime will be fine soon.. but becareful on what your saying... we dont want any suspitions...' rukia spoke and ichigo just headed off towards class. 'god sake... tha boy is gonna get himself into trouble like this... 'rukia sighed and followed him.

they got to class and when ichigo sat down a teacher walked in and spoke softly to his class teacher, 'ok... KUROSAKI! HERE PLEASE!' ichigo stood up and walked over to the teachers. 'could you go outside please.. i need a word about something... that i think may involve... that' the teacher that walked in pointed to his cut and rukia worked out what was going on and walked up to the teachers. 'um... sorry to desterb you but im guessing you are going to talk about what happened at break... if so then its me you should be talking to as well... it involved me quite alot...' the teacher sighed and took them both out side. 'i never heard you get meantioned miss kuchiki, but i got a desription of someone like you... apparently you showed up after ichigo faught the 3 boys that talked to me and you went to calm ichigo down? is that correct?' ichigo jumped in straight away, 'NO! she is the reason why i was fighting them!! the 3 boys was trying to rape her and the only way to stop them was to give 'em a beating!!' 'oh is that right? i just got told you just went up to them and hit them...' 'look... i hit people for a meaning, i dont do it for fun! do you think i like protecting people? you should listen to us... they dont know anything!' 'well... ill still have to give you an detention... both of you... because you were both at the place you were not meant to be... 'why rukia?! shes new!! she doesnt know where to go or not! she doesnt need to have detention while it was me who was fighting!'

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