The Coffee Shop

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Walking aimlessly around the city while thinking of how love can make or break us, but most of the time, it destroys us to the core. They said love is a magical thing that completes you, I want to feel it, I want to experience the love humans keep on talking about.

I kept on pondering over my thoughts that I didn't noticed I was already in front of a coffee shop, no, not Starbucks or any famous coffee shops that you probably know, it's just a simple and small coffee shop around the corner of the street. I entered and the smell reminds me of home, my long lost home. The home that most people consider nowadays are with parents and siblings, a full house, my description of home is different, mine is full of love and sorrow, I wouldn't feel it again for I am an orphan.

Now the coffee shop is homey, it has warmth that I've been longing for so long. I ordered a cup of coffee and took out my notebook, full of thoughts that I cannot wait to write. My friends always say that I'm a good writer, I like to think so too. They kept on saying "Do what you love" but what is love? I do not understand it, they say things yet do the opposite. Humans are, indeed, very complex creatures.

The coffee came, as hot as hell fire, I apologize for I keep spacing out, this is more on narrative so please bear with me.

I took a sip of my coffee and looked around the shop. The coffee shop gave me comfort and silence, things I only find inside a library, not at home.

My mind wander over my thoughts, thoughts that consumes my whole being. It takes me to places I want to be in and events I don't want to see. I'm like a ticking time-bomb, my mind, that is. I finished my cup of coffee, took my things and went out to go to my house, no, not home. Home is where you are welcome and you feel secured, mine does the opposite.

For days and months, I visit the same coffee shop to gather my thoughts and to escape my reality outside the shop's doors.

This day is quite different though, the shop is packed and there was almost no seats left, I ordered my regular and gathered my courage to ask this guy if he can share the table with me, he is about my age, cliché, I know and just like most people, the idea of finding love and happiness with this man crossed my mind. He said yes, I am not going into details but our conversation went like this:

"Excuse me, sir, I would like to know if you are willing to share a table with me" I asked, of course I was embarrassed but this place is like my haven, my safe haven.

"It would be my honor to share this table with you, fair maiden" He replied, I was amused that he went with the flow of how I asked him and gladly took the seat across him.

"It would be quite weird if I keep on referring to you as fair maiden, so I humbly ask thee, your name." I smiled and introduced my name,
"Hi, I am Alice, Alice Athena Carter, my mom loves to read so she named me after the infamous mad girl and the Goddess of Wisdom, and yours, kind sir?" I asked, I wonder if I can fall in love if I get to know this man more.

"I am Eros, Eros James Johnsons, my mother liked mythology and named me after the infamous God of Love" He smiled and offered his hand for a handshake, I took it and shook his hands, I didn't know that my days will change because of that moment. And just like that, our coffee came, and we ordered the same, no, I will not assume that we are meant to be just because of that tiny coincidence and just like that, I met the man who will bring me light in my sea of darkness.

Days turn to weeks to months, Eros and I became friends. We found out we have a lot in common. He is a fun guy to be with, there is no dull moment when I am with him.

I was quietly drinking my cup of coffee when Eros suddenly sat across me with his coffee and a chocolate chip cookie.

"Sweets to the sweet" He smiled his dimpled smile, I couldn't help but chuckle at that.
"Shakespeare, I like it" I smiled and took a sip of my coffee.

The Coffee Shop 『SHORT STORY』Where stories live. Discover now