Chapter 6

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Once making sure they were on the right road, Shuppet ducked into the carriage to check on how everyone was settling in. The carriage really was bugger on the inside. It was about the size of a cottage. The main room was open where you can see the kitchen area and the dinning room. A fire was already going in the fireplace, giving the once cold home a warm feeling.

Magma poked her head out from the kitchen when she heard the door. "So how long until we get to the town?"

"We should get there before night fall." Shuppet said, trying not to yawn. "That is if the road ahead is clear." She walked to the master bedroom and came out later with some clothes. She walked over to Tom, who was cuddled up on the couch with Jess, and set down some of the clothes. "Change into these before we reach the town. I'm afraid people will recognize you still."

"Thanks, Shuppet." Tom smiled up at her. "And those?" He pointed to the rest of the clothes in her arms.

"These are for Bo." She put them down on the table. "I'll be in my room if you need me." The yawn she held in finally escaped as she walked over to one of the rooms, shutting the door behind her.


Hours passed and the carriage was nearing it's destination. Bo had changed into the clothes offered to him, after much fighting with it. He sighed from the driver seat, seeing the town coming into view. "Finally." He knocked on the front door behind him. "I can see the town!" He called out.

The door opened and Shuppet came out to sit by him. "Good timing, too." She said with a smile.

"Did you sleep well?" Bo asked her, "You were very tired."

"I slept a little bit...." She sighed, leaning back. They came to the town gate and went right through. A guard nodded towards them as they passed. "The carriage park is that way." Shuppet pointed to a road and Bo pulled the reigns, making the horse go that way.

Soon, they were parked amongst other carriages. "Oh late is the market open for?" Bo asked, unhitching the horse.

"It's probably closing down now." Shuppet hopped down and looked around. "We can go tomorrow."

Bo sighed, not wanting to stay longer than needed. "When we find the others, we'll leave."

"Supplies first." Shuppet crossed her arms, "It'll take several days before we get back home. We need to make sure we have enough food to last us that long."

"I just want to get back as soon as possible..." Bo looked down at his feet.

"I know. We all do. But we can't just rush back in there without a plan." Shuppet grabbed a bucket from the side of the carriage. "Let's find the others and come up with a plan first." She patted his arm and headed off for the well.


The cafe was wonderful. Heather and Blaze were now headed back to the inn. It was getting late and they were both getting tired.

"I'm starting to hate being followed..." Heather whispered as they walked down the road.

Blaze looked over to her confused. "Really?" He didn't know they were being followed. "How long?"

"Since we left the inn. I guess the assassins don't trust us." She glanced back for a moment, but making it look like she was looking towards a shop window. She could see the black hooded figure out of the corner of her eye.

"Well, would you trust a group of people who showed up with and ex member of your guild?" Blaze asked looking forward. "I know I woul........ " he stopped walking as something caught his eyes.

"Blaze? What is it?" Heather asked, looking back at him and then to where he was looking, but she couldn't see that well over the crowd.

"Shuppet?" Blaze started walking again, his steps getting faster and faster, until he was running.

"Wha!? Blaze! Wait up!"

Blaze rounded a corner as Heather chased after him. "Eeeeeeee!!!!" Someone screeched. Heather finally caught up to see Blaze hugging someone. She smiled when she saw the familiar woman in his arms.

"Shuppet! You made it!" Heather was happy to see her friend was safe.

"Heather!" Shuppet wiggles out of Blaze's grasp and hugged the other. "Where's Rob?"

"At the inn. What about the others?" Blaze asked, picking up the full bucket the Shuppet was carrying.

"Safe." Was her only answer. She could sense the presence lurcking in the shadows. "You can come out from hiding. I know you're there."

"Dang Shadowmancers..." a woman's voice said as the black robed girl came to view.

"Why were you following us?" Heather asked her.

The girl giggled. "Rob asked me to. He wanted to make sure you two didn't get in trouble."

"You're friends with Rob?" Shuppet tilted her head to the side.

"Acquaintance is more like it." The girl smiled. "But I owe one to him so I agreed to keep an eye on these two. I'll head back to the inn and let him know that the rest of you showed up."

"Thank you." Shuppet smiled back as the girl disappeared back into the shadows of the alleyways. "Can she be trusted?"

"Not sure. But Rob seems to trust them." Blaze said, taking Shuppet's hand in his. "Let's go back to the others before getting Rob."

Shuppet nodded, and leaned he head against Blaze, happy to be by him again. She leads them to the carriage and inside. The reactions that Blaze and Heather gave made he giggle.

"It's so huge!" Heather exclaimed as she ran over to the couch and plopped down on it. "Comfy~"

"Heather!" Magma ran over to her blonde friend and tackled her into a hug. The two were a giggling fit.

Tom and Bo looked up from where they were at the table when they heard the two. Tom stood up and went over to Shuppet. "May we speak?"

"Sure, Tom. What is it?" Shuppet looked up at him, slightly confused.

"In private." Tom headed over to the master bedroom, Shuppet following right behind him.


And yet another chapter!

The gang is back together!

Oooooo~ Shuppet's in trouble~

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