Part : 2

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Thinking about Ed, had always been a soothing charge for me, like a sweet current of air, blowing in your face. And I admired the way, how the wind could sing the hymns of his memories for me!

I could still remember the times when I was just the traveller of this thoughts, but when he began to beautify the white sheets, I could never know! And look at his charisma, he has still imprisoned me behind the bars of his aura!

From the safest place of my wardrobe, I withdrew out some of my scribbled verses and poetry, which were designed for him! From the high school teenage love, to those hanging outs with him and to that mesmerizing smile, aahh, which could make a devil fall in love with him! Every stolen glimpse, every little laughter, all had been locked, in those papers!

I read some of my handwritten pieces, and a constant smile would make the gazer found my hidden love! But alas! These words, never got the view of their master!

As thinking of those 6 years and being nostalgic, the waiting hours sped, like they were just few moments! And I found, the hands of clock showing 4 in the evening, revealing, just 2 hours were left for our meet!

All I could feel was sweat in my hands, curiosity was not lagging behind though! To drift my mind a bit, a played my favourite, 'The Beatles' on the gramophone.

I opened the wooden wardrobe, to check for the apparels. Luckily, I found my most favourite cross-checked short maroon skirt, with an off-white knitted cardigan and dragged out my semi-heeled brown leather boots, which went perfect with the outfits.

Meanwhile, 'The Beatles' were singing, I glanced at my wristwatch and its hands pointed at 5:05! I had changed into good-look outfits but the application of some make-up, was still left and my hair, they needed to be look fabulous!

The winged eyeliner, a bit of blusher, the lips painted with matte brown lipstick, gave me good look! I left my strands loose over my shoulder and the new fringe cut, adorned my face!

I reached the hall, to mom. She kissed my forehead and said, " looking beautiful. Have a great evening and enjoy yourself, darling!" I bid adieu to her and left for cafè at 5:45 pm

As it was just 2 streets away from my home, I preferred to get there, by a walk. It was a cold weather but the excitement of meeting him, helped me to get a warmth.

Cafè La Français was a French cafè and indeed, the best cafè of that era. I was happy to be get there for the first time and meet Edward!

In those 20 minutes, I was preparing myself a bit of what would I ask, how would I answer him. I didn't want to be pessimistic, so just was thinking of a good meet, nice talks and then a farewell with a promise of meeting soon, some other day!

After a while, I finally reached the cafè, with a storm of mixed emotions in my head. I peeped through the entrance glass, if he was there.

Then, I saw a man wearing a warm black suit, waiting for someone. As I opened the door, he immediately shot a good look at me, from the table at the left corner of the cafè. I wore off my overcoat as I entered and saw, he was none other than Edward!

To be continued...

So, this was the second part! Kindly vote and comment, if you guys liked it😁

Happy reading,
_Mani Gupta_

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