Chapter 1

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A/N: Warnings before you read this story. It will contain the following
More smut
and did I mention
SMUT!! :-)
Now that these warnings have been posted I wont give warnings when smut is gonna happen as sometimes it just happens without me even preparing it..ha ha ha. And since there are warnings please no hate on bottom!Niall. or mpreg..etc. You've been warned! You don't like,don't read! For those of you who are ready, here we go! Hope you enjoy! xx

"Can't believe we are graduating soon", I tell Liam as we are laying in his bed.

"I know it, Ni. just a couple more months", He sees kissing the top of my head.

"Will be dating for three years. Going to college together. Will be fun", I tell him. He just hums in response

A month later I am setting in Liams living room with a positive pregnancy test in my hand. Liam staring at me in disbelief.

"How? When? Are you sure it's mine? Are you sure you're even pregnant? Are you sure this isn't some scam to make sure we stay together?", Liam shoots out all these questions like vomit. I just set there and stare at him

"Do you really think I would pull this just to keep you? is that how low you think of me? And to ask if the child is yours? Are you saying I'm some slut that plays games with people? Fuck you Liam Payne!", I shout as I stand up.

"Look Niall", Liam says as he grabs my hand making me set back down on the couch. "Look at the situation from my view", He says

"I have. Lots of times since I got this", I tell him. "And in every scenereo I am loving you and accepting you and the baby", I tell Liam. "So you're the one with the problem not me. I get up and go to leave. "By the way. I'm keeping this child", I say before leaving his house. Things are tense between us the next few weeks til graduation. He ignores my calls and texts most the time. When he does answer it's short and to the point. When we hang out, he is distant. And do not mention baby cause that will cause World War 111 to break out.

The night of graduation is when everything falls a part. We are on stage waiting for our diplomas. I look over to Liam to give him a thumbs up and blow him a kiss and he just looks at me. WTH? Of coourse me and my sassy self wont let it go. After everything is done we met up with our families. His mum is talking with my mum. Liam is doing everything he can to avoid me. I grab him by his arm and pull him somewhere more private.

"Listen here asswhole! I don't know what your problem has been lately but I suggest you straighten it out or get to walking!", I say glaring at him. Okay, i don't know where all that came from but I am doen with his shit!

"You wanna know my problem Horan! You are my problem! You and this 'Baby bullshit'! And furthermore, I'm not gay! I'm not bi! I am straight!", Liam says. His words nearly ripping my heart out of my chest. Three years spent with him and NOW he says he doesn't like boys!?!

"Go fuck yourself Payne!", I yell at him. "Don't ever try to talk to me again! Stay the Fuck away from me! Now and in the future!", I scream at him as I run back to where my parents are. That's okay, this baby don't need someone in hers or his life that is gonna be that way

"You are more precious and diserve better", I say looking down at my tummy. We will be just fine, you and I

Present day Three and half to Four years later

"What do you mean you wont be here for another two hours?", I say into the phone. Today is truck day and is suppose to be here around two. That gives me three hours to unload it before we close. But today has to be a screwed up day. I am short a person and the truck wont be here til four. Leaving me an hour to unload it. By myself. I want to just lock the doors and say to hell with it.

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