Dream come true

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Once there was a little girl who hated everything. All she wanted to do was to leave the small town. She hated everything and everyone there. She wanted to go beyond the fence that surrounded the town.

One Day, she tried to jump the fence. She's never been more determined to try. She ran,jumped, and hit her face right on the wired fence. She tried again, same outcome. She tried once more and passed out.

When she woke up she had no idea where she was, she heard a very low voice talking in the background. When the lights turned on there were two people standing over her the guy's name tag said his name was Cole and the girl's name was Maddie.

"Where am I," she asked."Quiet," responded Maddie."Where am I," she repeated, anger clear in her voice."Quiet," Cole snapped in returning, matching her angry tone. She tried to untie the straps keeping her down, but couldn't. She began to violently thrash about, and Cole smashed a glass beaker directly next to her head. "Just using the straps is generous. This could get much worse for you," Maddie said. Cole walked to the corner of the room and turned the camera off.

The girl began to settle down in fear that the two people would hurt her. Once the camera was off, Maddie untied the girl from the cold table. "Were all done, sorry about that," said Cole. "Where am I ?!" the girl snapped. "You're in Hollywood, love," said Maddie. The girl sat up on the table, confused. "Sometimes we take people to be our actors without telling them, it makes the movie more realistic," explained Cole. Maddie Handed the girl an envelope and gestured her to the door.

"But, that's not my town,how did I get here?"

"We saw you unconscious behind a fence and brought you here,"explained Maddie

"I'm finally free from that stupid small town torture!" yelled the girl.

"There is four hundred dollars in that envelope." Cole said skeptically.

"Thank you both. By the way my name is Sasha."

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