Chapter Seven

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Taehyung was sitting on the couch waiting for Jungkook to pick a game and get it set up. Once Jungkook finally picked a game he got everything set up and walked back over to Taehyung with two controllers in his hands. He walked right up to Taehyung and just looked at him. Tae was a bit confused on why he wasn't sitting down beside him. He was about to ask when Jungkook leaned down and moved Tae's arms. Jungkook then proceeded to sit in Tae's lap and hand him his controller. 

"Is this gonna become a thing now when we play games?" Tae asked as he looked at Jungkook before looking up at the TV.

"Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't." Jungkook said as he started to get the game started. 

When Tae saw what game they were playing he smiled to himself. They were playing Mariokart and Tae could use Jungkook sitting in his lap to his advantage. He watched as Jungkook picked what course to race on. Once they picked their characters they waited for the race to start. 

"Don't be mad if I hit you in the face." Tae said as he shifted to get a little bit more comfortable.

"Why would I be?" Jungkook asked as he kept his focus on the TV.

"Just saying if you get hit in the face to remember it was your choice to sit in my lap." Tae said as he got ready to put his plan into action.

Tae is going to distract Jungkook so much that he's going to lose the race. This was going to make sure Tae won. He just didn't want to make it to where Jungkook would stop sitting in his lap. The race started and it was going well for both of the boy's when Tae started to mess with Jungkook. Tae laughed as he watched Jungkook's character fall of the course and had to be placed back on the track. Jungkook was now in 10th place while Tae was in 2nd. 

"Two can play at that game hyung." Jungkook said as he reached behind him to tickle Tae. 

Tae started to laugh and stopped paying attention to the race and focused on getting Jungkook to stop. The end of the race came when Jungkook finished in 5th place and Tae in last place.

"That was a dirty trick and you know it." Tae said as he glared at Jungkook. 

"I don't know what you're talking about hyung." Jungkook said innocently as he waited for the next race to start. 

"Fine no more messing with each other. We'll race normally. Deal?" Tae said as he held his hand out for Jungkook to shake. 

"Deal." Jungkook said as he shook Tae's hand.

They both turned their attention to the screen when they heard the race starting. They played for a couple of hours. Tae had to re position a couple of time's so his leg's wouldn't fall asleep on him. Soon Jin walked into the living room and stood in front of the TV. Both boy's leaned to different sides trying to see around him so they could finish the race. Jin just glared at them as they did this. He moved out of the way so they could finish the race. Once the race and Tae screamed because he won Jin moved back in front of the TV. 

"You two need to stop playing now so you can get ready for the party." Jin said as he looked at the way the boy's were sitting. He just thought Jungkook was sitting in front of Tae not in his lap.

"Okay hyung we'll go get ready." Tae said as he nudged the younger to get off of his lap. 

Once the boy got up Tae turned off everything and walked to the stairs to go to his room. Once he was in his room he grabbed out an outfit he though looked nice and went to take a shower. He took his shower then got out and got dressed. As soon as he was dressed he walked out of the bathroom and back to his room so he could brush his hair. He put his dirty clothes in the hamper and walked over to his nightstand where he knew he left his brush last time. He found his brush missing from its normal spot and started looking around for where it could be.

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