Untitled Story

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I really don't have a title or this yet. A second love of mine, other than Beauty and the Beast, is The Bodyguard/ First Daughter, I love the dynamic between the famous and the protector shown in those films. This may make me weird... i don't know. But anyway, i wanted to have a go at creating my own and that is where Maggie comes in. I love Maggie, she's a lot of fun, but i may be the only one. You may notice some familiar names ;).


“My inspiration?” Flipping my hair from one shoulder to the other, a nervous habit that I really need to break, I consider my answer. “Stories about the dual natured, werewolves and shifters, have been around for a long time. I’ve always loved mythology and most girls love a good romance. I just wrote what I have always wanted in a story but have never found. My main goal was just to avoid cheese and to make it as well written as I could… but my editors helped a great deal with that.” The woman in front of me laughs and the microphone she is holding wobbles in my face, her eyes turn back to the notebook nestled in her other hand.

“You haven’t been in the spotlight long, and the crowds have taken not only to your books, with the recent rumours about a film, but also too you. You have even been interviewed for some of the world biggest magazines and crowned the most popular author of the year. How have you adjusted to that?”

“I have no idea why people have allowed me to be a sort of celebrity; all I did was write a few words on a page. I’m totally undeserving of the attention. Honestly, I haven’t yet adjusted, everyday something happens that I wouldn’t expect and it keeps me on my toes but it also makes my life interesting and fun. So as long as people want to talk to me, want me to write or even want my autograph, then I am happy to oblige. I owe it all to them after all.”

“One last question and then we’ll let you go enjoy the party.” I smile as cheerily as I can, even as I decide that I won’t be attending the party, the ache in my bones is growing in magnitude and is almost at the stage of demanding now, attending the after party tonight would be reckless and dangerous; there is something more important I have to do tonight. Of course, it also doesn’t help that I can feel blisters forming under the pressure of my new heels. “What’s next for Scarlett and Liam?”

“Oh well, I couldn’t tell you that now could I? I wouldn’t have a book if I did. But I always planned this story to come in four parts so with this year’s release of the second we are only half way through. However, saying that, expect it to end on a hopefully gripping cliff-hanger, this is your warning. There will be a lot of hurdles for the couple to overcome and a couple of plot twists that I really hope are clever enough to keep the audience guessing and interested until the last page.” The interviewer nods at me and indicates for the camera to be turned off.

“Thank you for speaking to us Miss Dixon.” The woman says with enthusiasm.

“It’s no problem, call me Maggie.” I smile at the elder lady and then again at her cameraman. “This is still very new to me, it’s always a shock when people want to talk to me, especially when there is a camera involved.” I laugh lightly but my head is already lost in memories of a struggling writer with no qualifications, stuck in her home town, writing in her childhood bedroom, paying rent to her parents whilst she slaved away at the local supermarket for a very unimpressive wage.

“Your dress is gorgeous Maggie, who made it?” I kick myself in the shin beneath the material of said dress for forgetting to ask Claire before I had started this trek down the red carpet.

The dress is truly a beautiful creation and I want nothing more than to sing the praises of whoever designed it. I sway slightly and the light blue material copies gracefully, the outer chiffron layer dancing on the light evening breeze that flutters around us. The black belt around my stomach gives me the shape that I had longed for whilst the dress was being taken in and the halter straps that are tied at the nape of my neck brake up my shoulders and make my neck look long and elegant. Yet despite all of this I have absolutely no idea whose masterpiece this is.

The beginning... a couple of first Chapters.Where stories live. Discover now