My Horrible Secret

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My horrible secret

It was Friday the 13th and Kathy was on her way back from a party it was 12:30 and Kathy was meant to be home by midnight. Kathy is 17 years old and she has long black hair Kathy was wearing a short black dress. She had a little too much to  drink Kathy wasn’t a 100 percent drunk but she was just a little bit drunk she should not be driving but if Kathy asked her parents  to drive her home  they would  know she was drunk  and they would ground her for a month Kathy was driving  one of her best friend’s car  sally’s    sally didn’t know Kathy was driving  her car but she will give it back to sally tomorrow .Kathy turned on the radio up all the way the radio was playing choose your fate by escape the fate. “Choose your fate choose your fate “ Kathy sung then she heard her phone beep she cheeked the message it was from her other  best friend  Olivia .the message said can you come over tomorrow harry dumped me and I need someone to talk to I will talk to sally but  she has her own drama to deal with. Kathy wrote back of course I will come over how are …… before she text message  her car went over something  she thought it could be a speed bump but it felt like she ran over  some type of  animal . Kathy was too scared to get out of the car but she needed to see what it was. She hopped out of the car and she saw blood “relax Kathy it must be some sort of animal “she said quietly to herself. Then she saw a body and the car was over half of the body it was a man.”

“Oh my god what have I done she said.  Without thinking Kathy totally freaked out and left Sallys car there and ran all the way back home.

When Kathy got home she climbed through the window because her parents were asleep and they told her to climb through her window because the door was locked. It was now 3: oo am because she ran all the way home. Kathy was tossing and turning all night long so she didn’t get much sleep at 5:00 am she gave up on sleeping so she turned on the TV and a movie called I know what you did last summer just came on. She whached a couple of minutes of it but turned it off when they ran someone called Ben Willis over. Kathy couldn’t stand the guilt so she decided to go for a jog Kathy checked the time and it was 5:25 am her parents are already at work. Kathy went for a jog at the beach then she went back home at 6:00 am. Kathy’s house was huge and she lived near the beach Kathy’s street is always quiet and peaceful . She went and got changed into a red dress and made her way to school she went in the library and read till the bell went. But a teacher came up to her and told her to and told her the bell went 5 minutes ago. Kathy made her way to her first class and took a seat next to Olivia.

“How are you “Olivia whispered to her?.

“Um I’m okay you’re the one who got dumped not me” Kathy said

“How can you even think about me after everything that happened to sally” Olivia said a little louder this time.

“What happened to sally and speaking of sally where she is “Kathy said

“You don’t know”.

“Know what Olivia what is going on”.

“Sally is in jail the police found her car over a man’s body she killed someone Kathy”.

Kathy  was speechless all she could think of was that she killed that man not sally and she didn’t know if she should tell the police she did  it not sally  but if she tells Kathy will  be in jail my friends my parents everyone will hate me Kathy thought. She was meant to do an English test but she couldn’t pay attention   . At lunch Olivia talked Kathy into going to the police station to talk to sally

“ hey sally how are you oh sorry stupid question of coarse you’re not good” Olivia said when they got to the police station.

 “I didn’t do it “sally said crying.

“We believe you sally don’t we Kathy” Olivia said.

“Yes “was all Kathy could say Kathy couldn’t even look at sally because of the guilt she felt.

“I was asleep when it all happened then the police came and took me here I tried to tell them but they didn’t believe me now my parents hate me everyone hates me” sally said.

“We don’t hate you sally” Olivia said

“Someone took my car and tried to blame it on me I will find the person who did this to me” sally said. Then Kathy couldn’t take it anymore so she started bursting in to tears Olivia and sally looked at her then sally said  

“Kathy why are you crying “sally said.

“I just feel so sorry for you that’s all “Kathy lied

“Kathy like I said before I will find who did this to me and I will get out of this awful place ok you don’t need to worry about me”

“I need to go “Kathy lied again as she made her way back home.

When Kathy got home she cried herself to sleep the guilt was killing her so she skipped school and went to the police station.

“Visiting hours is closed “the police officer said.

“I know I came to see you” Kathy said.

“Listen don’t talk us into letting your friend go she broke the law “.

“No I broke the law “Kathy said. The police officer was silent and he stared at Kathy waiting for her to continue.

“I was a little drunk and I was texting and driving and I felt my car go over something so I checked it and it was a person I was so scared that I started running home without thinking I left sally’s car there”.

“Do you know what this means “the police officer said? Before Kathy could answer he dragged Kathy to where sally was.

“Sally your free to go”. Sally got up and started making her way out but she stopped when she saw Kathy.

“Kathy how could you “sally said in a surprised voice.

“Sally please I can explain “Kathy said while she tried to hold her tears in.

“Don’t bother “sally said.

The police officer locked Kathy up and she started crying.  2 weeks passed and not one person visited her then Kathy saw a police officer.

“Excuse me where are my parents and friends”.

“They don’t want to see you because there angry at you “the police officer said. Kathy cried herself to sleep like she has been for the past 3 weeks. Then she woke up the the next morning to the police officer waking her up.

“Kathy you’re free to go it turns out that somebody killed the man and put him on the road so you will get blamed for it”.

 “Really” Kathy said said.

Kathy went home and things were never the same again it took her freinds a while to forgive her but eventully they did but kathy never  texted while driving ever again.

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