Judging Begins!

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As stated in our latest announcement, our judging process has begun. Our judges will check your grammar, usage of words, cover/title/summary attractiveness, originality and their possible other criterias and will give your book a point out of 100 (we won't announce those, it's just so you have an idea of how it works). 

We will first decide on category winners, declare them as winners of the first round (About the end of June). 

Then, wildspirit44 will judge those stories and choose one as the best among them. That will be announced as the final round (Beginning of July). 

There might be changes in those dates so we ask you to be patient in case of a small delay. 

*We have removed LGBT category and combined Historical Fiction with Short Story according to insufficient number of entries.

The Summer Awards (Judging)Where stories live. Discover now