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Lucy POV ~
'I wonder if Natsu ment what he said,I mean I don't think I like him, I mean he's just a friend and it was just a fake proposal ' I looked over at Natsu and stifled a laugh. He had his head in a sick bag."Poor Natsu " I said,patting his head.His hair was actually really soft even though it looked spikyn.He looked up at me weakly then said "Are we nearly there yet?" "Yes now stop complaining!" Erza shouted parking the car up . "Freedom!!" He yelled running out the car door, Natsu threw the sick bag into the bin outside and went into Mira's cafe. I got out of the car with the rest of the group and headed inside. Mira greeted us at the entrance. "Hey guys what's new!" She said cheerfully, leading us to a table.We sat down as Mira leant over the table. "Actually watch this"Erza said giving her phone to Mirajane. It was the video of Natsu proposing to Lucy. Once she had finished she almost collapsed, but got back up. "Nalu,nalu,nalu... NALU EVERYWHERE! My ship is real!!!" She shrieked, we looked at her in confusion. "It's Natsu and Lucy's ship name" She said innocently. We laughed "Anyway what can I get you guys?"
"Cappuccino and slice of lemon cake" I said
"Chilli brownie!"
"Iced tea"
" Water and a slice of cheesecake " Juvia said clinging onto Gray
"Strawberry cake!"
"Coming right up!" Mira said cheerfully heading over to the kitchen. "Gray my darling...your clothes" Juvia said. Gray was shirtless again,I covered my eyes and face Natsu. He pulled me to his chest.. it was warm. "Put some clothes on! Your hurting Lucy's eyes!" Natsu yelled at Gray "Shut up Pyro!"
"You wanna go ice princess!"
"Bring it flamebrain!"
"I hope you two aren't fighting"Erza said glaring at the boys. Natsu pushed me back and put his arm round Gray.
"N-no ma'am!" Natsu said saluting
"We were just joking around" Said Gray doing a forced fake laugh. At that moment Mira came round with the food. She handed out the food then said "Just a thought but if Natsu proposed and Lucy said yes does that mean you two are engaged?"
I spat out my cappuccino across the table. Gray started laughing.  "W-what I can't marry Natsu! There's still a load of things I want to do! " I stuttered. "A wife might not be that bad" Natsu said putting his arm round me " A wife would cook for me, and clean, and make the bed,it would be awesome!"
I hit him round the back of the head "that's not what a wife's for!" Without warning Natsu leant in and kissed me. I kissed him back, his lips were soft and warm. I saw a flash of light then Natsu pulled away. He grinned at me "I knew that would shut you up!" I scowled at him and ate my lemon cake. I heard Erza and Juvia whispering about how me and Natsu acted like a couple. Honestly I like Natsu but I don't think he likes me back.
Natsu POV~ 
It would be nice to be married to Lucy.I mean she has beautiful brown eyes and golden hair and a smile that beams from the sun, but does she even like me back.
It was my Instagram notification. I pressed on it and checked. Lisanna had posted something, I checked and the gulped. "Guys Lisanna just posted a picture of me and Lucy...kissing " I saw Lucy blush and sip her cappuccino.
"Well what ya expect flamebrain you not the only one in here" Gray said putting his arms behind his head. "Well that's settled me and Lucy are gonna have to start dating!" I yelled. I got up and picked up Lucy and put her over my shoulder. "Put me down!" She moaned. "Right let's go!" I yelled "thanks Mira!" I beckoned the rest of them and rushed out the door. "Put me Down!" Lucy huffed. I laughed and pulled out my phone and messaged Ice princess- Going out with Luce, See you guys later.
I ran towards the pet shop and put Lucy down. "You could of carried me better" She moaned. I turnt her head towards the store and saw her eyes widen.

Thanks for reading this chapter my little soufflés. It was a really long chapter but I hope you soufflés liked it.

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