Shatters Of Hell (Part 1)

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I watched as the glass shattered all over me. Feeling what was once the warmth of her touch, now her cold airless breath. Little did I realize me and the glass were no different. Sure it was piercing, cutting, and damaging every part of my body but that didn't matter. None of this mattered to me because I am already broken. Do you think I ever asked for this? I never asked to be doomed to hell, suffering every waking moment of her death. She was the one who went through it but I am the one who felt all the pain that came with it.

This is the part where I'm suppose to get up and pick up the pieces that were left from you being gone. Tell you what, somehow me and the glass are now one. I am no longer trying to fight this aching pain, and I most definitely will not get back on my feet. All I want is my old life back. That was when I was living, I can't live without her, and to live without her I shall not. 

I do want to be free from this GOD forsaken hell I was cursed to be in from birth. I don't fight back the demons slamming me on the ground, pounding my head on this burning cement, and tearing me limb from limb each time I regenerate. Each slam to the ground the glass sunk deeper into my skin. I could feel a piece of glass get closer and closer to my heart. 

Most people would say I'm weak for not getting back up on my feet but you know what I say "Unless you've been through what I've been through you absolutely can not speak on my life choices". Judged for my decisions all my life but not anymore. If this piece of glass reaches my heart, my soul will be set free, and I will be with her (my wife) again.

A door of light appears in front of me.  Coming from this door I see my beautiful daughter. Suddenly those pieces of glass are drawn out of my body and falls on the cement. I have another reason to live, its been right in front of me, my daughter. I have to watch her grow up and live her life. As I begin to fight these demons off of me the blur of light begins to fade. I realize this door won't be able to stay open. I fight because of her... my daughter. 

I manage to get those ruthless demons off and  I sprint towards the door.  I sprint towards the door for my daughter. I feel this pain in my chest but I keep running sprinting because if I don't she won't have anyone. I'm within arms reach but I fall to the ground. All of the glass wasn't out of my body. The piece that was making it way towards my heart was successful at doing so even though that is not what I wanted anymore. Try as I might I no longer am able to get up.

I watch as the door closes, leaving me on this burning floor, paralyzed in the darkness. The demons start to regain their strength and make their way towards me. There was nothing else I could do at this point but be brutally beaten by demons for the rest of my life. Not being able to fight back because I'm paralyzed. I soon may be dead if this piece of glass cuts deeper. I shouldn't have fallen this low. Now my daughter has no one. All I hope is that she is not cursed to go through what I've been cursed for... She's stronger than me, she will become somebody in this great big world, but it's sad to say I won't be able to see her do great things in the world...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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