"What the fuck is this?"

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Stiles pov

I wake up and Derek is strapped to a chair and I'm on top of his member. "What the fuck is this?" I say surprisingly calm. Derek just looks up at me and shrugs how the hell is this going to work? What if I get hard on accident is that possible? What if he gets hard what do I do? Oh shit, I think I'm gonna die. What if I have a panic attack? Fuck shi- "Stiles calm the fuck down please." Derek's words brought me out of my thoughts. "How can I calm down do you see how we are positioned?!?" I whispered yelled and he quickly answered with, "Everything is gonna be okay, we just have to act like it doesn't bother us okay?" and just after Derek said that a guy walked in

He said "I see your both very uncomfortable!" He said with a laugh and I spoke up "Actually this is one of my favorite positions honestly, I'm never on top." I lied laughing a bit when he spoke up "I can fix that right now." He started laughing and knocked Derek out, I yelled Derek's name and the guy knocked me out. I woke up and something was pressed against my back. I started to wiggle around and when it moved a little. As soon as I did this I realized it was Derek and started moving around again and wiggling. He woke up and froze.

Then I noticed something was wrong and asked "What are you doing?" He just answered with "What do you mean I'm not doing anything." And I said "Well part of you is doing something." Kind of with disgust but to be honest, I felt good that I could make the alpha Derek Hale hard. When he answered with " I kinda don't have control over that..." he paused for a moment and continued with "Especially when you keep moving around when my front is pressed up against your back."

Derek's pov

I didn't know what to do I was on Stiles now and I was hard. Like why did Stiles have to say something. No actually why did Stiles have to move like the way he did when his nice ass is on me? I didn't know what to do and Stiles kept moving when I yelled "God damn it Stiles stop moving like that!" He just kept going so I took the opportunity to get really close to his ear and whispered "Stiles stop moving please you're only going to make it worse then you'll have a fully erected cock on your ass." And he froze, finally he stopped moving but now that I'm thinking about it. It might be because I am now fully hard. Shit.

"SourWolf I think it might be a little too late." I felt Stiles scars on my chest and thought maybe I could take some pain away from them. "Hey Stiles how mad would you be if I took some pain away from your scars?" I asked so that it wouldn't be rude. "Very and if you do then I'm gonna keep moving the way I was moving earlier." He said and I could just picture the smirk on his face. "Stiles earlier when our kid napper came in why did you say what you said?" I asked my voice full of Curiosity, he answered "Because I thought he would put us in a better position and you said to not let it bother me so.." I did say that but what the fuck? "Stiles I did say that but do you think this is a better position?" I questioned him kinda angry

He said "Yeah kind of, it feels like I'm being cuddled and if we're being completely honest I love being cuddled." After he said that the kidnapper walked in and said "Stiles it's nice to see you again." I could hear the amusement in their voice.
"Who the hell are you?!?" Stiles was looking all around when he answered,
"Stiles I missed you little dude but I came back for what I started and my parents never finished." Oh, I know what the means. Stiles froze and answered with a shaky voice "k-Kole?" They guy laughed and said "It's good to see you cuz and it looks like you've finally landed yourself a werewolf."

This got me angry, why would he kidnap his own cousin just to give him more scars. "Touch him and I'll rip your throughly out with my teeth." I growled Stiles also said something to the annoying kid, Kole "I didn't land myself a werewolf we're not together." He said angrily he was mad but when he said that it was mixed with something else. I didn't know what it was, "Oh cousin, I think you have, maybe the werewolf has finally found his mate have you now uh?" He said amused "The name is Derek and what are you talking about?" Stiles said

I spoke up quickly after "You don't know anything. Don't pry, also you know nothing about mates little bitch!" I yelled he just smirked and said "That wasn't very nice, maybe I'll untie you and have some fun first." Stiles was angry now, I could feel it, he just yelled "You will not touch him ever and stay the fuck away from my pack alpha!" Hearing him say that kinda made me happy, But his cousin didn't think so, his cousin untied me and retied Stiles. When he pulled me to the side and pulled out a I knife "Now if you don't do it this goes in him." he said as he looked to Stiles and Stiles spoke up quickly "Derek don't do it, I'll be fine I've been through it before. " I couldn't let it happen I gave him a 'I'm sorry look'

And Kole said "Now you're going to kiss me." He said with a smirk I was going to knock him out but I need to get the knife out of his hands so I went in and kissed him when...

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