Birthday smut: The One Where Ryan Gets Laid on His Birthday

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Birthday smut: The One Where Ryan Gets Laid on His Birthday by @ arctic_grey and @ buildyourwalls on LiveJournal,

Ryan isn’t expecting a huge party like the one that he got last year. In fact, he is very determined not to expect anything at all because everyone is fussing about Spencer’s twenty-first birthday party just a few days away. They’ve booked a club and sent out the invites; it’s going to be a big deal when their baby turns such a significant age. 

Okay, scratch that. Brendon’s the baby, even if he’s not the youngest, but that’s beside the point.

The point is that Ryan is turning twenty-two and no one seems to remember it’s his birthday tomorrow. Sure, Spencer will remember and give him some amazing present, equally amazing to the signed copies of all of Palahniuk’s published works Ryan got last year, but Ryan isn’t expecting a party or a flow of phone calls. 

He is fine with that. He’s an adult, maybe too old to celebrate birthdays now. That thought is definitely reinforced by the fact that he is spending his evening at home with a cup of his favorite Ecuadorian coffee and yet another book by some dead Russian author. But it’s a good book, extremely insightful, and it’s not like Ryan is being a hardcore everyone-wants-me rock star all the fucking time. 

He is disturbed from his peaceful state by the door bell ringing. He hasn’t invited anyone around because it’s the night before his birthday, and he thought that doing nothing tonight would increase his chances of being celebrated tomorrow. 

Not that he’s waiting for there to be a party or tons of surprises. Really, he isn’t. 

He opens the door, finding himself face to face with Brendon Urie’s contagious grin. Brendon looks strikingly good, sporting a tight blue t-shirt and equally tight blue jeans and flip-flops. But, then again, when doesn’t the singer of Ryan’s band look hot like that? 

Ryan automatically lets Brendon in, muttering a greeting. They visit each other so often that they might as well exchange keys and be done with it. 

“What brings you here?” Ryan asks anyway as Brendon walks from the hall into the spacious living room and heads straight for the movie shelf. 

“Let’s watch something,” Brendon suggests charmingly. 

“Yeah, why not,” Ryan shrugs and follows in the footsteps of the other man. Brendon is running a long finger on the DVD cases, making disapproving sounds. 

“Nothing with subtitles,” he objects before Ryan can even make a suggestion, and Ryan rolls his eyes. Brendon notices, turning to Ryan and cocking his hip. “I want to watch something cheerful, not some half-documentary about Belgian turnip farms. You remember that one?” 

“It was very interesting, just so you know,” Ryan argues. 

“Where do you have Mean Girls? Or Dogma, Saved!...stuff like that,” Brendon says with another long sigh, finally pulling something out, and lifts an eyebrow. “Across the Universe? Really, Ross? Do you really feel the need to further fuel your Beatles addiction?" He turns back and begins searching again. "Seventh season of South Park! This works!” 

“That’s gonna take hours!” 

“And we have nothing but time,” Brendon informs him with a broad grin. “Isn’t not touring Joncer?” 

“What?” Ryan frowns. “It’s an adjective now?” 

“Well duh. ‘Joncer’ is like the new ‘awesome’. You really should keep up,” Brendon says with a dramatic sigh and disapproving frown. 

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