Part 2

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After a few stabs, she realize her sword wasn't piercing the crabs skin. She backed up, only to have the Crab follow, she realized that if she was going to get out of this situation alive. She tried to think of one as the Crab suddenly de-materialized into dust right in front of her eyes. She looked at the space in wonder, she hadn't done anything. Then she saw standing in the space where the monster had been-a girl about her age.

"Who are you?" Lila asked the girl indignantly.

"I could ask you the same question." The girl answered, fiddling with her bow.

"I asked first!" Lila cried, scaring some birds out of the trees, The ones that hadn't already been scared off by the Giant Crab.

"If you must know," The girl said, smirking, "I am Katrina-daughter of Poseidon." And this is where Lila really started to hate her. You may be asking yourself, why? Luckily I am here to answer for you-Poseidon is the God of the Sea, Earthquakes, he created horses, etc., etc., etc. He also just happens to be Zeus's brother, (Hades too). He also tried to lead a rebellion to de-throne Zeus along with Zeus's wife, Hera, Zeus's son Apollo and other Olympians.. So Zeus and Poseidon have never really got along-and their children have been notorious for their arguments and squabbles.

"Well.." Lila said, getting a little flustered, "I am Lila-daughter of Zeus!" She tried to sound as powerful as possible but, her voice cracked a little. "I demand to know what you are doing here!"

"I am on a mission to find the underworld." Katrina said, nonchalantly, "I was selected to venture on this quest because I am the strongest in my town of Corinth!"

This knocked Lila down a peg, she has just decided to go on the quest-she hadn't been chosen, "I am also on my way to the Underworld," Lila told her.

"Huh..." Katrina looked her over. "Interesting...Where do you come from?"

"Olympia!" Lila declared.

Katrina stepped back a little, "Well maybe we should venture there together! Two warriors are better than one!"

"Yeah..Sure..." Lila said, trying to hide the fact that she was very nervous.

"Then follow me!" Katrina declared, as Lila followed her out of the woods.

On the way there, Lila was extremely nervous, she felt suddenly- unconfident. Katrina seemed so much better than her. All of her life he had been seen by her friends and family as the best, and here she was being upstaged by some girl from Corinth she just met-a daughter of Poseidon. Maybe she wasn't as good as she thought she was. They kept on traveling though, Katrina leading the way-until they made it to the storied 'Doors to the Underworld'

Staring at them in the face was a mountain. Sure, it was a big mountain-a majestic one at that. A large mountain with soft vines growing, pillars of rock with grass and flowers..Long story short they would've appreciated it a lot more of they were children of Demeter. Now, as they were the Children of Gods and both had a rampant case of ADHD- a mountain was definitely not what they wanted to find.

"What the-?" Katrina screamed upon realizing their situation. Well-she actually finished it off with a word I'd rather not repeat but-you get the idea.

"I wonder..." Lila mused, completely ignoring Katrina yelling, and cursing. She felt around the wall of rock in front of them until.. Boom! A door..The size of about a regular door to a room-if you were wondering, opened.

"What did you-?" Katrina asked, walking over to Lila.

"I found the door!" Lila declared proudly, as both her and Katrina stepped through the doors. What they saw shocked them even more-then the giant cab-or the mountain.

Standing in front of them was none other than Cerberus, Guardian of the of the Underworld. Now you may be wondering-what? Cerberus is an enormous, semi-transparent,"pure-bred three headed rottweiler"-so think of a regular rottweiler, (which I agree is pretty terrifying) and then multiply it by-about 100,000 and then make sure it has three heads. He is also Hades favorite pet. Like your dog at home-Hades enjoys playing catch with him, and yes I'm serious.

Now, Lila and Katrina as brave as they both were-were both absolutely terrified. As any regular person would be. They ran and hid in a corner, hoping the dog wouldn't see them, and y'know rip of their heads or something...

"We need a plan." Lila whispered to Katrina.

"We should go cut one of its heads off!" Katrina yelled, getting up to put her idea into action.

"Yeah-no." Lila replied, pulling her back down, "Number one-it's imortal, Number two-it would eat you before you eve got the chance..Hmm. I remember a story where the dog plays-I got it!" She yelled.

"What?" Katrina asked, excitedly.

"We throw it a stick!" Lila exclaimed, "It likes to play catch!"

"That thing?" Katrina asked skeptically, "Likes to play catch?"


Katrina continued to look sceptic, "Do you have a better idea?" Lila asked her.

Katrina didn't respond, So Lila took it as a 'no.' So she grabbed the nearest stick, I know sticks in the Underworld? But I guess when your entrance is under a Mountain..

"Doggie! Doggie!" Lila called, trying to get the beast's attention. "Come on!" Cerberus took this as a challenge, as came bounding over to her once he was a good distance away, Lila threw the stick as far as she could towards the dog. Upon seeing it, the dog ran towards it and disappeared from sight.

"Coast is clear" Lila told Katrina as Katina came out of there hiding place. "Where to next?"

"I'm guessing across-there." Katrina said, looking at a bridge across a river that looked like it was completely made of Garbage.

"Woah." Lila said, "The River Styx"

"Is itc crossable?" Katriina asked her.

"Just don't fall in. You'll definitely die an agonizing death then."

"Okay then.." Katrina replied-her voice shaking as they slowly walked across the bridge.

"Why is the ground so-AHHHHHH!" Lila screamed as she slipped and fell off the bridge-almost. She closed her eyes and got ready to fall in when she felt a tug on her arm. She looked up, Katrina had grabbed her arm and was keeping her from falling off the bridge and into the waters of the River Styx.

"Come on!" Katrina screamed over the sound of the rushing water, "I'll pull you up!"  

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