The Vault of Art

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Anna finally came to the Vault of Art. And the fourth orb leads here! But I found a picture of a family. My book started to lit up and it's Jacob. Jacob said," That family in the picture, is YOUR family, Anna." Anna said," My family?!" It's not just a family, it's Anna's family.

      After Anna found out the family in the picture is her family, beside it she found a target for darts. Then on a marble platform, magically a dart appeared. Anna picked the dart up and threw the dart at the bullseye! It was a perfect hit! Then, the target suddenly disappeared and there it is the fourth orb.

      The girl said,"The fourth orb! I can't believe it! Why are you the best at figuring out clues Anna?!?" Anna replied," I don't know. But someone did help me on my journey." The girl said,"Who is it?" "It's Jacob!" Anna answered. "Jacob? I know who's Jacob! He is my best friend and father and your royal sorcerer!" The girl replied and said," Okay! On to the next clue:

The fifth orb is in the art studio where sculptures are kept. You will soon find it in a coffin dug under the mummy's eye.

         When she found out an art studio straight ahead, she saw many sculptures around it. But she still can't figure out the mummy's eye part. "What mummy's eye? I don't see an eye!" Anna said. But looking for the mummy's eye is hard to find it took her hours to look for the eye. But she said one more thing:

You will soon find it in a coffin dug under the mummy's eye.

      The orb is dug under. Then she saw some strange line of light. And a broken piece of a mummy's eye. Then she found a mysterious dark hole that is shaped like the mummy's eye. Anna tried to put the eye in the hole, the coffin rised above the floor and opened it. She saw a mummy with the orb on its hands. As she took the orb away from it, it came back to life. The mummy came out and held out a sword. Anna has her magic and she tried to kill it but the mummy is indestructable.

         The girl said," You cannot stop the mummy from the outside. You can stop it from the inside. See that red thing moving from her chest. That's her heart! If hit her heart she'll be stopped!" "Okay, here goes nothing!" Anna said. Anna used her magic to hit the heart and the mummy fell down to the ground dead. Anna finally killed it. And the girl said,"That was amazing! Now here's the clue for the sixth orb.

The sixth orb is at the hall of physics, but this time the vault itself is science.

     Anna thought that the sixth orb is in the Vault of Science!

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