Whats for breakfast?

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Jack wakes up confused, because he woke up in a bed that wasn't his own.
'What the fuck? Where am I?'
He thinks as he looks around and sees a familiar computer set up, and a very familiar dog
He asks as Chica jumps ups and licks him
"Chica? Chica beeka?"
Mark calls out as he walks down the hallway. jack freezes, unable to think as mark opens the door.
"Oh.. ah morning Sean"
He says smiling as he pets Chica
"Top of the morning to ya'..."
Jack says as he gives a mock salute
"How did I get here?"
Jack asks as he sits up
"Oh, well you were pretty tired and I didn't trust you to drive back to your hotel so I let you crash here.."
Mark says, still smiling
"Oh well thanks Mark"
Jack says blushing a little, he has quite a crush on Mark. He's liked him ever since their first panel together, Jack had made a corny joke and Mark actually laughed, ever since then Jack has been wanting to see Mark smile and laugh as much as he can
"No problem, what else are friends for?"
Mark asks as walks over to the bed to sit next to Jack.
Jack smiles and stretches, yawning loudly as he stands.
"What's for breakfast?"He asks his mouth covered with his hand as he yawns. Mark doesn't answer, and jack turns to him confused
"Mark?" He asks as he looks at Mark, blushing a bright red. Jack then realized that the covers he was under had slipped off of him and he was just in his boxers "Fuck I'm sorry Mark" he says as he picks the covers up and wraps them back around himself, blushing.

"Don't be...that-you look amazing..." Mark mutters before he can realize what he is saying.
"I mean-uh- don't be, your clothes are over there." He says nervously, Jack smiles a nervous smile and grabs his clothes.

"Where should I change?" Jack asks as he looks around, trying to look at anything but his best friend that he's been crushing on. Mark stands up with all the confidence he could muster and stands in front of jack, and lifts Jacks chin so he's looking at Mark

"Bathroom, down the hall" Is all the Mark can say before he looses control over his body and closes the space in between him and Jack, pressing their lips together into a soft surprising kiss. Jack is shocked and doesn't realize what just happened "Jack, oh my god I'm so sorry I don't know what-" Marks gets cut off by Jack giving him a peck on the lips

"Shut up you big goof, I've wanted that for ages" Jack says smiling, as Mark blushes and gives him a shocked look


"Yep, I've wanted to do that since our first panel" jack admits, embarrassed. Mark laughs and jack stares at him confused

"Same thing for me" Mark says smiling, and jack hugs him before pulling away

"Now that love confessions are out of the way can I get dressed?" Jack asks as he lets the covers fall and gets his pants on, Mark smiles

"Of course" Mark says as he heads out the door, he stops in the doorway "and by the way we're having pancakes" He says smiling as Jack rolls his eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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