Chapter 1.

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I climbed up the shelf and went over the wall, I landed on the floor, "There he is, what do you think?" a female-like voice says, "Oohhh, he'll do." A male voice said and I panicked. 'What?!' I thought and quickly went to my left and went through my left and saw a man running to me, 'Shit!' I went back to my right and zigzagged, trying to lose the guy and I saw a square hole in the wall, my eyes widen and I ran to it, I climbed over the hole and landed on the floor, "You lost him, you useless fuck!" A female complained. "He... got away! The Groom'll gave us!" A male voice said filled with worry and fear, "Shut up, we'll find a way around-" I was scared to listen, so I fucking ran for my life, I went over some boxes, "Wait! We'll give him to the Groom!" Did I here that right? I shook my head and climbed another shelf, I stepped on the box and climbed on the ceiling-type and jumped down the other side of where I previously was. I stopped, "Here comes the bride." I looked at the basement-looking stairs, "Here comes your bride, Mr. Gluskin..." I walked in front of the stairs, "W-We'll g-..give him other flesh and he'll spare ours.."

"Fucking idiot delivered his own self to Gluskin's hell."

I took out my camcorder and begin filming, I hesitated for a moment, I walked down the stairs slowly. I turned on my night-vision and looked around. Tables everywhere and every each table had a sewing machine on top. Oh. I see a little bit of light so I turned off my night-vision and walked to it, leading me to another room filled with same things. But I heard music... old music. I looked to my left and saw another room, it has a curtain and a shadow that I couldn't even describe. I walked in the room and the music got louder, I walked around the curtain and my eyes widen in shock, a table with a... male, that had boobs sewn into him and a cut opened crotch that made it look like a female private area.. with a human head into it. I saw stitching on the stomach and it looked like it was filled with something... and a dead man who had something like a cloth covering his whole head, he was tied up behind a pipe, looking like he was holding the hand of that... "woman". I shook my head and turned off my camera, I took out my journal.

'What Flesh Hell

A man's body, mutilated and bent to mimic or.. the mock the moment of birth. The kind of thing a man cannot see without changing in some irreparable way.

Lisa, I was with you when both our boys were born. It was, until recently, the most miraculous thing I had seen. Completely outside of reasonable belief and yet somehow central to everything I've come to believe since. You always said I was too literal-minded, tried to turn everything into an if then statement.

Lately, I've widened my horizons. How can the things I've seen here be? But I know the answer. Money. Profit. Things we made just because we could.'

I put away my journal and took out my camcorder, I turned it back on and walked to the creepy music box, "I wasn't a girl, just like the girl that married dear old daaa-" I grabbed it and smashed it on the floor. I took the batteries out and changed my battery, "I needed more anyway." I said to myself and walked around the corner to see another room, same, but more boxes. I stopped to see a man running across. But I shrugged it off and walked forward. It went darker so I turned on my night-vision and went to my left, I walked into another room filled with complete darkness. I went through the tables until I stopped in front of two doors, I tried opening it and it was locked. I sighed and looked up at the window- "Darling." I jumped and helped as I looked at the man. He was dressed like a groom.. that's him..? Shit he smiled at me and walked away... I panicked. "Did I frighten you? I'm awfully sorry, I didn't mean to." I heard him and quickly crawled under a table. "We've met before haven't we, I know I've seen your face. Maybe.. just before I woke up. Though it seems like a dream now, being here with you." I looked to see him walking towards my side, "Let me fill you up.. you don't have to be alone anymore." What's his name again? Edward? Eddie? Yeah, Eddie Gluskin. I felt bad for that man when he was put into that... horrible thing.. because of me. "You could make me whole. I could feel that emptiness inside you." My camcorder beeped and I was about to change it until I heard a gasp, "Darling!" Shit, I crawled out of the table and ran towards he came from and looked back to see him run after me, I yelled in fear and ran to my right to see a door, I ran in the room and closed it behind me. I see a battery in the shelf and picked it up. I walked out of the next door and finally changed my battery. I looked to see myself in a hallway and saw a white board. A dress was drawn into it and details were written. I see a dress on a manikin next to it. Wow, MADE out of SCRATCH? I'm surprised- wait- I shook my head, 'Focus, Waylon. Don't be a dumbass.' I though and walked down the hallway, "when I was a boy, my mother often said to me~" I looked behind me and zoomed into my camcorder to see Eddie walking slowly towards me, I zoomed back out and quickly went into the other room and closed it behind me, "Get married son and see... how.. happy you will be~" I ran to the metal crate and I put away my camcorder and pushed the crate, "I have looked all over, but no girlie can I find, who seems to be just like the little girl I have in mind~" once I pushed the crate out of the way I opened the door and walked quickly while taking out my camcorder. I ignored Eddie's singing and went through all the engine-type things and walked into another room. I looked to my left and see Eddie staring at me through the window of the door, I continue to go, but I ran. I went through the tables and ran into another room. I hopped over the table and ran to the blocked door, I put away my camcorder and pushed the crate, "Darling." Eddie called out as I saw him hopping over the table I just went through, I widened my eyes in fear and pushed the crate as hard as I could and opened the door, "You could be so beautiful." I heard him say and I closed the door behind me, "I want you to have my baby." I ran down and took my left, I stopped by an empty Elevator but there's NO ELEVATOR- oh wait, I see a ladder on the wall, I looked to my right to see Eddie walking slowly towards me. Nope. I jumped to the ladder and tried climbing up but the steps were popping out, "Shit.." I tried grabbing the last one but it broke, I fell down and landed on top of the elevator, my foot went through the ceiling, "GHAAAAHHH!!" I screamed and looked at my foot. "Oh god. Oh god are you okay?" I pulled it out and looked at my ankle, I grabbed the stick that was inside of my skin and pulled it out, "AHH!!" I screamed again, "Tell me you're okay! I hate to think of you suffering without me." Eddie says as I struggled to get up, "Why would you do something like that to yourself?" I looked at Eddie while breathing heavily, his expression showed nothing but sadness, "You'd rather... rather die... than be with me?" He asked and I stopped, I think, I opened my mouth to say something but he closed the door, "Then die." He says and I widened my eyes, wow. All of a sudden the elevator was being pulled up. Was Eddie doing that? I walked into the next floor. "what have you...? Ha. Then we continue." I heard Eddie say and I shivered. I stopped into a hallway, I saw a wall that had a sign says 'A woman's work is never done.' I walked down the hallway and went in the left room, I closed the door behind me and whimpered in pain. I walked and saw a manikin with a human head on top and a white board said 'There's no place like home.'

I walked through them and went into the library room, "Even these idiots and lunatics see it-" I heard Eddie and quickly looked around, I see a locker and widened my eyes, I limp to it and went inside. "Hmm... close. I can... ahh.. the smell of my love's arbor." I jumped when Eddie locked the locker, "Darling, you can't hide from me." Eddie said once more and tipped the locker down to the floor, I groaned in pain. "You made yourself a gift for me. I delicacy to be unwrapped-- and unwrapped again. And savoured." Eddie grinned down at me and walked, he grabbed the locker, "Here we go-- and--" Eddie starts to drag the thing, how is he really strong, im really heavy damnit. "I've been a little... vulgar, I know.. and I wanna say I'm sorry, I just... you know how a man gets when he wants to know a woman. But after the ceremony, when I've made an honest woman of you, I promise... I'll be a different man." Eddie said and stopped, he looked at me through the cage, "But I'm-" "I want a family, a legacy. To be the father I never had, I'll never let anything happen to our children. Not like.." Eddie stopped and looked up, spacing out about something until I watch him shake his head and continue to drag me. Could've just let me say what I was gonna say.. I was gonna sneeze until the locker was being lifted up, "You'll have to wait here. I know you must be just as eager as I am to consummate our love. But try to enjoy the anticipation." Eddie slide his hand against the cage of the locker and walked away, All of a sudden I was being sprayed at with something.

"Here Darling. This will help you relax." I choked and tried covering my mouth. But I passed out.


I did my bullshit writing. My new story and I like it. :3

My Darling [Eddie Gluskin x Waylon Park] (Gay-Fanficion)Where stories live. Discover now