Day 3

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Ju-ne: Welcome to Kon Café, my name's Junhoe. How may I help you?

Customer#3: I want a muffin please.

Ju-ne: Okay, what kind?

Customer#3: A muffin that tastes as good as you look...*wink*

Ju-ne: Okay ma'am we don't have muffins my flavor! Thanks for the compliment anyways. *smiles* The strawberry muffins are great tho!

Customer#3: *Laughs* I'll take one of those then!

Ju-ne: A strawberry muffin?

Customer#3: *shakes head yes*

Ju-ne: Anything else ma'am?


Ju-ne: That'll be 1.00.

Customer#3:*gives him the money*

Ju-ne: *takes money* You are order number 3. One of our waiters will bring your muffin out. *smiles*

Customer#3: *smiles and goes to random table*
ChefDong: We finally got something other than a cookie!

SongChef:For real?!

ChefDong: Yes! A strawberry muffin!

SongChef: Yaaay!! *makes muffin*

ChefDong: Yaayy!! *sends out muffin*
Chanu: Hi! I'm Chanwoo! I have a strawberry muffin!

Customer#3: Thank you Chanwoo! *smiles*

Chanwoo: Thank you for eating with us! Have a Jinhwanderful day!
*smiles and bows*


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