Chapter 9

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I woke up in a pair of white clean clothes on my comfy bed. Jerking up I remember what happened.

I passed out.

Looking at the time on my alarm clock I see that it's 10am. Great now I'm late for scho- I don't even go to school any more.

Frantically I search my bedroom for my phone but I couldn't find it. "Looking for this?" She holds up my phone.

"Yes" I go to reach for it but she holds her hand up. "I'm taking this and your lap top away. You can't be trusted for a while."

She turns to leave but stops and looks back. "Oh and I changed your number. You won't be talking to that boy ever again" and she closed my door. Slumping down I begin to cry again.

I screwed up. My one chance is gone.


After my crying session, I pick up my rugged figure and sit by my window. Surprisingly my hero was there.

He was texting in his phone. He didn't even feel my gaze on him.

I didn't mind though. I admired him and his whole being. It satisfied me to see him happy and him having a life. I want that for him and I admire him for having what I want. I would never wish my life on someone els. And I wouldn't want to chain him to me if that would stop him from living.

He looks up, doing a double take and shyly smiles at me. I blush at the fact I'd been caught.

He gestured to his phone but I shook my head. So instead his grabs his white board.

'You okay?'

This makes me laugh. He's so, thoughtful and smart.

I shake my head yes and mouthed to him a 'Thanks to you' he smiles and writes again

'I'm sorry but your moms a female dog. She was mad about us talking.'

Telling him sorry. I look down.

When I look back up I see that he wrote

'It's not your fault princess'

I love the name he calls me. It makes me happy. Grabbing a piece of paper I write in sharpie

'Why do you call me that.'

He starts to write. It took him a while and he had to write on two boards.

'Because that's what you are. You don't see it but everyone adores you. You're precious and looked up too. I even look up to you. You are Innocent and beautiful and pure. Like a princess. You're trapped in your castle. Waiting for freedom.

My smile grows after I read what he said to me.

'Thank you'

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