Chapter 1

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I was getting a little cold, even though I had just paid the fare for the taxi and had been waiting at the door for a grand total of thirty seconds.

It was chilly, for a spring night in London, at least. I hadn’t really dressed for the weather, I’d dressed for a dinner party at Brendan and Lucille’s.

Being impatient as I am, I was relieved when Ara, Lucille’s younger half-sister, opened the door, wearing a beautiful blue dress I’d sworn I’d seen in the Marc Jacobs boutique a week or so ago.

“Ara!” I opened up my arms to one of my favourite people in the world. Ara smiled brightly, returning the promise of a hug. After, I took her shoulders, and examined the fabric of the dress with my fingers. “Marc, A-W ’14. I approve.”

Ara looked down knowingly and smiled, immediately more confident.

I had bought her Marc Jacobs all her twelve years of life, spoiling her like she was my own little sister.

I saw her studying my dress, and rolling her eyes.

“We need to go shopping. That’s almost vintage Marc.”

“I know, I know. It’s a favourite,” I say, skirting the dress. “But – I see your point. Clear your schedule, missy. Aunt and Ara are taking Bond Street down.”

I fist-bump Ara, and we laugh, remembering all the times we’ve done that very thing together.

We walk up the stairs, the sounds of laughter echoing the halls.

“So, how’s school?”

Before she can answer, the bell buzzes, and she’s away to answer the door to another guest, sliding down the banisters.

I chuckle to myself, continuing to make my way up to the dining room.

I peer through the open door, seeing that both Lucille and Brendan are in conversation, but a guest notices me, distracting them both.

“Jen!” They call in unison, and I laugh. Lucille almost runs over to me in her high heels, pulling me into a suffocating hug.

“Lucille,” I say, kissing her on the cheek. “Brendan,” I say, accepting a kiss on the cheek from him. “How are you both?”

“Wonderful. We’re so glad you could come.”

“I wouldn’t miss the profiteroles for the world.” We laugh, and walk over to the table, where three other people are sitting, discussing, looking at me.

“This is Juliet and Bob,” Lucille says, introducing me to a beautiful couple in their fifties.

“Lovely to meet you again,” Juliet says. ‘Again’? Ah yes, Lucille and Brendan’s engagement party.

“And you,” I say, courteously.

“And this is the rascal, Tom. We’ve sat you next to him, but if you want to move during the evening, we won’t blame you,” Brendan jokes.

“You must be…”

“Jennifer,” I answer his prestigious Eton accent. Recognisable anywhere.

“I’m Tom.” He smiles. “They’re right, if you do want to move, I’ll be offended at the utmost,” he jokes.

“I’ll be sure to offend, don’t think twice about it.” I smirk, and I see a sparkle in his eye.

Thank you for reading this! It means the world. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and review, I'd love you forever:) I'm @cumberblue on twitter, if tweeting me is easier than commenting on wattpad. Hope you liked this chapter - more Tom to come! xxxxx

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