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Contrary to Soria's beliefs, I was far more capable of avoiding someone when I wanted to avoid them. That was the only way that I lasted as long as I had in the mortal realm. No matter how strongly people wanted to find me, and trust me, there were a lot that did, I could evade them as if they were a plague. Granted, I did not know how easy that would be when it came to bunch of creatures of myth, but it had to be the same, even if it would be a little harder, what with the skills that he possessed that I probably did not know about. 

I stayed to myself most of them time, and I had even tried to go out into the garden, but the same feelings of panic overtook me again and I barely managed to make it back to my room without incident. I'm not entirely sure how long it took me to calm down so I didn't end up bound to my bed again with an IV jammed into my arms, but it had to have been several hours.

It was during this time that I also came to realize that the day and night cycles of this realm were fucked to Hel. Everything lasted a lot longer, with the day cycles obviously being the longest time spent rather than the night cycles. It started to annoy me to a certain degree since I loved the night and darkness made me feel a lot safer than being exposed in the daylight with few shadows to hide in. There were very few clocks, and the ones that were present were legitimate sundials. Because of this, it might have been my own imagination that made everything seem longer, but I could swear that I got tired a lot earlier, according to the sun, than I usually did.

I stayed in my room most of the time, only coming out to eat and to be around Soria. I'd come to like Sri as well, but I was still slightly uncomfortable around the larger man, so I stuck with Soria. In that time, I had started reading the book that had been in my room during the last incident. It actually was rather interesting, and it was more common sense than anything else. It was nice to read something that wasn't related to people that were trying to convince me that my soul could be saved by worshipping this specific thing; it just told me how to be a better person. It contained things that I would keep in mind for when I was actually around people.

I wanted to go to the library so badly, wanted to try and find something interesting, maybe even something that would give me more of a definitive background on either who the people I was staying with were, or maybe what was happening to me. Part of me was still extremely curious as to why there was a picture of me in what I could only assume were the record books that Phrer kept, but a larger part of me knew that I probably didn't want to find out why I was in there.

Maybe you should just pretend like nothing happened between you two.

But was I capable of doing that? It would have been easier if it was just another random person, someone that I could avoid and move away from without them ever knowing what happened. But that wasn't the case this time; instead, it was with the person that had taken me in, refused to send me to Helheim, and was a demigod who had the ability to read minds and would be able to find me whether I wanted him to or not. I had to constantly remind myself to not think about the things that I wanted to refrain from getting involved with, so he would know automatically. Hell, he'd probably know just by looking at me, even with the mind buffer I had been able to build.

Fuck it!

I closed the top of my computer, ending another fruitless Internet search, and stood up from the bed, stretching slightly to release my muscles and joints from the hunched position they had been in for the past few hours. I hesitated slightly, debating whether I was really going to go to the library or if I should just chicken out and find Soria. I scoffed at myself; I was an assassin, dammit, not some confused teenager. Why was I so nervous about this?

Because the last time you did something like this, she ended up dead.

I refrained from slamming my head into a wall and decided to just let my inner voice be so I could actually get to what I was trying to do: man the fuck up and go up a flight of stairs to a room that hopefully held answers to some of my questions.

March from Darkness | ✓ (to be edited)Where stories live. Discover now