cheated, stolen, offered, unwanted, and falling in love.

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"Hey do you like the party," Jillian screamed to me. It was so loud at the party that you could barely hear anything. "Yea it's awesome. I swear your parties are always the best," I replied to her. She smiled proud of herself for throwing yet another great party. Every year she throws an end of the year party that everyone goes to and there always crazy.

"Have you seen Josh anywhere," I asked her. Josh is my boyfriend we've been dating for about 1 year now. I love him and he loves me. "I think I saw him head upstairs," Jillian told me. "Ight' later," I told her she nodded then turned around and headed to the pool in the back yard.

I headed up the stairs walking around the people making out knowing they'd probably regret it tomorrow and headed upstairs. I went to the first door I saw trying to find Josh. I opened up the door to find Josh and some chick I didn't even know all over each other.

"What the Fuck!" I screamed at him. The girl he was with looked up and gasped then grabbed her jacket and ran out the room. "Yea I would run too if I was a slut like you," I yelled with a tear threatening to roll down my cheek. I looked at josh then his face was in shock. "Babe it's not what it looks like," he tried to tell me.

"Then what is it."

"Babe you don't understand I never meant to hurt you."

"Never meant to hurt me! Then what in the hell were you planning to do!"


"No don't you dare call me babe one more time."

"But I love you."

"That's bull shit and you know what you might have loved me and I loved you too but I sure as hell don't anymore"

I turned out the room to leave. He quickly ran over to me and grabbed my arm before I left the room. "Babe please don't leave like this," he begged me. "Get the hell off of me. I'm leaving so bye." I told him with a strong voice. I walked straight to the front door then and began to walk home.

"He is such an ass," I muttered to myself as I walked down the side walk but I wasn't going to let myself get bummed out about this so I shoved Josh out of my mind and just started to walk to the bus stop.

I wasn't like all the other people that I knew. I wasn't super rich, I didn't have a car, I didn't live in a billion dollar house, and I sure as hell didn't have parents that gave me whatever I wanted. In fact I wouldn't even say I had parents I had a dad that was always drunk and if I ever needed something it was up to me. My mother died when I was three I have no idea if she was an alcoholic like my father or if they were both normal people and maybe my dad just got messed up after my mom died and I'll ever know.

A car came up to me and a boy about 16, my age, pulled up to me in a black camaro. "Hey, you coming from Jillian's party," he asked me.

I nodded.

"Do you need a ride home I just left and it looks like you need a ride."

"No, I'm good I'll just take the bus."

"Oh come on the bus seriously?"

I nodded again.

"Come on just get in the car it's not like I'm going to bite you or nothing. It's just a ride home."

"You're not going to leave until I agree for you to take me home are you."

"That and I sure as hell won't let such a pretty babe like you walk home all alone it just ain't safe"

I laughed.

"Alright I guess you can bring me home"

"Now that's what I want to hear"

I laughed at the boy then went around to the passenger's side and hopped in. I mean I know what you're thinking 'what type of retard gets into some guys car that she doesn't even know and let him take her home'. Well, what's the worst harm that could be done and whose going to turn down a ride home from an extremely hot boy in a camaro not to mention I was pretty sure I recognize his face from somewhere.....I think?

He started to drive the car and while he was focusing on the road I took the time to look at him. He had dark piercing eyes with dark rusty brown hair that shagged just below the eyebrows. His cheek bones were high and much defined and he was just about 6'1. He was also very muscular.

"Can you please stop starring at me you're making me feel very awkward," he chuckled. I quickly blushed then looked away. I saw a smirk form on his face threw the corner of my eye.

"So what's you're name," he asked me. "Selene," I replied. My mother had always loved the night sky so she named me Selene after the Greek goddess of the night.

cheated, stolen, offered, denied, unwanted, used, falling in love...Where stories live. Discover now