chapter 3 / letter

164 7 2

march 12, 2011

Dear Saige,

i don't think il actually manage to give this to you today, what im about to say is kind of a huge biggie (as teenagers say these days). But anyways there is a reason why you have never met your mother, or i have never taken you to beacon hills. you see when your mother and i split i won custody over one child... and your mother won custody of the other. so what im trying to say is that you have a brother, a twin brother. you guys were inseparable at birth, you guys were the bestest of friends. so we thought it would be better if you guys didn't know about each other since we moved 4 hours away at first. i know we only lived there for 2 years but i didn't think you would get it. you are probably wondering when i left your mother and the answer for that is when you guys were 2. it took Melissa and i 4 weeks trying to sort the pictures out. there is a reason why i am so good at photo shop. hopefully i will find the courage to give this to you by the end of march. now that your 14 i think you will understand. p.s your the older one. 


your father.

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