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<Shu is online>
<Fc is online>

Hey Shu what u need to talk to me bout?

Well like how do I know ur not just a 60 Year old man?

I dunno how to prove I am just a teen but how do I know ur just a teen not a 60 Year old man?

Good point. Well do you know what lol means?

Laugh out loud!

Yep! Okay I trust u.

It's nice just to have someone to talk to. Like u. U listen lol.

Ikr. I like having chu to talk to .

Dads calling me, gtg talk tomorrow Shu! 😃

Bye fc!🐯

<Fc is offline>
<Shu is offline>

~time skip to next day~

<Shu is online>
<Fc is online>

Hey Fc! I am walking to school u?

Same lol.

So how u doing?

Good u?


So what u got today?

Werewolf club,

Its a short day for me today!

I have stuff. I don't remember tbh!


What? Shu?


Shu? This ain't funny. 😠😬


Shu? Are u K?
Are u okay?
I am worried Shu!!! This ain't funny!!!😵😵😵😵😖😖

Sorry Fc. Some git just bumped into me and I dropped my phone!

Oh! Are you okay?!?!

Yeah. My phones smashed abut but it's okay...git. I hate gene!!!

What? Who's gene?

The person that pushed me!!!😨😨😨😠😠😠

It's okay I will come beat him up!! It's fine Shu 😂😃 as long as uur okay.

Hehehe 😳

Awwww. Anyway I need to tell u something!!!


I remember ur phone number off by heart!!

Okay, go then!!!😊

666 😊😊😊😊

Hahahah very funny 😂😂😂

It's true tho....😂😂😂

Yep just like urs is (666) 1666 666


Anyway I should go. My mums shouting me...ugh!!!

Bai Shu!

Bye bai. 😆😂

<Shu is offline>

Awww so cute. Wait she can't see this right?!?! 😨

<Fc is offline>

A/n sorry for da short chapter, I am trying to update as much as I can this week because I am going on holiday on Monday so yeah...I might update at the airport tho. Anyway I am trying to update all my stories enough to last at least a week!!!

I met you online. (Fc X Shu)Where stories live. Discover now