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(A/N: I just created slang words lol)

[BTS] when your acting coy(having a shy or sweetly innocent quality that is often intended to be attractive or to get attention) towards them

Bts as your boyfriend
*just insert your own coy-tone (ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)*


You:hi sweetey

Jin: 'whet the feck' happened to you?

You: notheng

Jin: notheng??

You: whets the preblem sweetey??

Jin: stop being a coy gurl

You: ples cook fo mehh

Jin: if that's the reason why your acting like that towards me then...

You: theyn?...

Jin: yes

You: theynk yah sweetey

Jin: yah welcome sweethat


You: Namjoonie opppppaaa

Namjoon: ????!????

You: what do you want fo yah bithda opppppaaa

Namjoon: bithda??

You: yeah, yah bithda

Namjoon: you mean birthday?

You: yeahhhhheh

Namjoon: nerdy glasses

You: opppppaaa

Namjoon: stop calling me opppppaaa

Namjoon: and why are you calling me opppppaaa

Namjoon: your being a coy Y/N

You: please pwomise somethin opppppaaa

Namjoon: I will if you stop that

You: oka oka

You: please promise something Namjoon

Namjoon: what is it

You: please don't break it.....

Namjoon: okayyyyyyyy


You: Hoseokeu

Hoseok: whateu

You: what a yah doingeu?

Hoseok: nothingeu

You: lets do somethingeu

Hoseok: why are we puting 'eu' at the endeu?

You: cause I like iteu

Hoseok: your acting like coy Y/N.....

Hoseok: you put 'eu' at the end, that's my clue, yeah clue

You: alavyaheu

Hoseok: whatevereu

Hoseok: I have some 'importanteu businesseu'

You: okayeu


You: yoooongi-ahhhh

Yoongi: hmm

You: oppa

Yoongi: what

You: owppa

Yoongi: what the heck

You: yowngi

Yoongi: the fuck

Yoongi: S T O P     B E I N G     A      C O Y

You: a lav yah Yowngi owppa

Yoongi: a lav yah tah

Yoongi: now stop it

You: a won't owppa


You: TaeTaeTaeTae

Taehyung: whatwhatwhatwhatwhat

You: yah know wha

Taehyung: what

You: yah know

Taehyung: what

You: aha aha aha aha

Taehyung: what kind of laugh is that?

You: the one by one laugh

Taehyung: so what?

You: wink wink wink

Taehyung: what what what

You: aha aha aha aha aha

Taehyung: ehh? Are you owkay?

You: am fine how bout yahhh

Taehyung: am owke

Taehyung: what the f happened to you

You: nothin, aha ha, yah know wha

Taehyung: your being a coy

You: aha aha aha aha


You: hey jeymeyn

Jimin: wheyt heyppeyned?

You: neytheyng

Jimin: I don't get you

You: jus reyd eyt cafully

Jimin: what are you talking about?!?

You: eym talkeyng about neytheyng jeymeyn

Jimin: can you please stop

You: wae(why)??

Jimin: cause I don't understand you

You: wheteve 

    (Just remove 'i' if you can't understand it.....)

You: juingkooik

Jungkook: did you created new nickname for me, again?

You: yeaih

Jungkook: so

You: ai like youi

Jungkook: because I'm so fucking hot

You: thaits noit thei reaison

Jungkook: what?

You: beicause youir soi fuicking cuite!!

Jungkook: I don't understand you

You: soi whait??!??

Jungkook: bye

You: biye


Out of the topic.......


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