So you are the ones who were out and about in the tardis. 9 said. My apologies. Yolanda, sherlock, and violet say. Well it looks like I guess we have to take you back. 10 said. After dropping them off the doctors have a diction to make on who to be the next companion. I shire do like the company of that Yolanda chick. 9 say's. [ 9 goes back to this time line and takes Yolanda with him.] [ meanwhile ] ( 10 is still trying to figure out on who to take with him. He goes back to to ask sherlock, he declines his offer because he has work to do. So goes to ask violet and to his surprise she accepts his offer.
The Mysteries of the Universe
Randomit is about Sherlock Holmes, Spock, Doctor Who, and my family.