Natalia Pov Hi I'm Natalia Canal I'm 21 years old and I Been Married for 2 Years With Romelo Canel . We had Only 1 Child Who is 4 Years and is name Kyree Jamal Canel , Romelo and I Met in High School in 11th Grade My parents Got in an Car accident When I was in The 11th grade and Since then My Aunt has token care of me . Romelo Parents Always were Auguring and he Always Was Abuse By His Parents, After he Graduated The School Brazil Natalia and Romelo had Met again and Decided to be a thing and Get Married and Have A child, since then We been living in a 3 Bedroom Apartment and been still going to school and Romelo has been in school since then he Always wanted to become a educational Nurse to help kids to get better in life , Natalia is going become a Therapist to also help Kids,Teenagers,Adults,etc (Romelo said) We both want to become something in life that's helps people to get better in they Career. We both dream at the age of 35 to move to a Bigger House and have more kids and continuing to follow there Carreer later on in 3 years past We had another child named Mara who' is now 2 and kyree is now 8 years old , Natalia and I will be moving to a House within 3 rooms we have been in living in the apartment for 4 years we will be moving In a house like this
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Kyree and Mara are getting along together they both have there own room they both have great grades and doing very well in school and they have a great bond.
Chapter 2 up next tune What do u think 10 + votes and reads