The Abstract Age Reversal

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"La lala la lala la lala la lala", rang through my head as I calmly strolled along the woodsy path with my staff right beside me. It was a beautiful day, sunny with tints of orange shining through the overhanging trees, and just above them little puffs of air drifting along the baby blue sky. A flock of birds flew by strangely as if making a pattern, or dancing. This was odd because they usually only aviate in these patterns when a storm is approaching but today was a crisp clear, magnificent day. These thoughts flooded my mind for only a few seconds until I thought nothing of it and continued on with my journey. The destination was unknown, but I knew something special would happen if I traveled far enough into the Forest. Something magical is always right around the corner. I practiced spinning my staff with one hand, and I got better at it every time. I swung that staff around everywhere and sliced the dead foliage around me.

As I continued my walk I felt an eerie vibe coming from straight ahead. Could the birds have known what this uneasy "thing" was? I wouldn't doubt it. Further, and further, each step became creepier and creepier. I approach this foreign object which I had only seen in movies or pictures previously. It looked as if it was some sort of portal, but was shut off, or broken down somehow. I inspected it meticulously, and there wasn't much detail to it. I concluded it's powers, whatever they were, were the result of the inner mechanisms of it's design. When I thought I had seen it all, I checked one more place. Aha! There it is! I yelled astounded, as my search had not been meaningless. In the bottom right corner I found a button. It was a small, peculiar button, with a swirly purple, dazzled in glitter design on it. Under the button read the name "Cyrus P. Emerson". This was most likely the name of whoever created this timespace looking machine. Adventurous as I was, and always am, I decided to press the button, not thinking twice about the consequences. Sparks were flying off of it and it made that "fizzling out" noise then an abrupt bang, as gray smoke clouded my surroundings. I covered my face and coughed into my sleeve. I heard somewhat of a spinning disc sound, and what seemed like a computer hard drive operating. The smoke cleared and I waved my hands around to filtrate the air, while still holding my staff. The same design on the button appeared right before me, inside that golden yellow oval. I held my staff tight and slowly stepped through to another dimension. All my subatomic particles were splattered everywhere and were circling with the void. They reattached as I stepped on to the other side.

The portal behind me shut and there was no longer a machine. I walked around on a sidewalk, after stepping off of the grass I had been placed on. Luckily, I still held my staff. The place I was, appeared to be Earth, but something was different. As I kept walking, I noticed stores on the side of me and the road was on the other side. The cars seemed very different than the ones I had known. They all had that flatter look to them. I looked to my right and noticed a spinning barber's pole next to a colorful sign which read "The Jazzy Barber". I got an idea of what may have happened. I realized that that machine was obviously a time machine. There was one more thing I needed to check. I needed to ask someone what year it was. The next shop had bell bottoms in the window. I had a pretty good idea of where I was but I needed to make sure.

I run into the bell bottom store and anxiously ask the worker at the desk what year it is. He walked out from the counter he was behind, wearing those pants, and said "Why hello there you must have just dropped something because this is 1972 and these pants are IN STYLE", he told me happily. I looked down at what I was wearing: Gotenks ssjb Ghost shirt, and sweatpants. "I'm good", I said quickly then rushed out of the store. He seemed offended but that wasn't what was important as of right now.

I jog down the street and cross it, almost getting ran over and beeped at. I keep running until I find some woods behind some backyards and I travel there. After a few minutes of walking, I look up in a tree and see a little girl. She seemed like she was playing with a caterpillar. I decide to go up in the tree as well, Sticking my staff in the ground below. She looks down and sees me and yells "Ah! scary teenager!" I calm her by saying "Don't worry it's okay I'm not a teenager, and I'm not scary. I'm a kid just like you" "Huh? Really?" she questions. "Yes, really", I respond. "Why are you here? How'd you get here?" she asked. "Well, the same way you did, I climbed." "Ooooh you like climbing trees too?" she inquired with a look of innocence and joy. "Yes, I love climbing trees and more. Playing in the woods is a favorite," I told her. "Wanna hold Sally, cool boy?" She asked me. "Of course", I replied as I took the caterpillar. She ran her fingers through my hair. "It's blue!", she said excitedly. "Haha, yea it is" I smiled.

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