It's Getting Started

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Dani's POV:

~Next Day (Saturday)~

Christina and Nick didn't came back until 8:30 pm last night. Oh yeah, just for an hour. Yeah right! You meant two! They seriously need to learn how to tell time. Don't they have a phone to check? I had to waste two hours of my precious life ignoring Mason. Alex left really early, so I couldn't spend time with him, and Claire, don't even get me started on her.

"Hey Dan!" I heard Lauren say from behind. I was in the kitchen eating breakfast, not really because it was 2:40 in the afternoon. Well it's breakfast for me. I ignored her. Lets see how it feels to get ignore, and feel unwanted. I stuffed waffles into my mouth so I wouldn't be able to speak. 

"Don't ignore me!" She shouted. Sorry not sorry! I continued eating my breakfast, trying to ignore this gurl. I heard the door bell ring and Lauren immediately went to answer. 

"Oh look, it's Mason!" I heard her shout. Are you flippen serious? I choked on the food I had in my mouth and I was literally about to throw up. I put the plate in the sink and sprinted upstairs. When I past through the front door, I heard my name being called, but it definitely did not sound like a guys voice. It was a girls voice, a voice that I recognized really fast. Claire. I stood still, and slowly turned around to face Lauren.

"You little bratt!" I mouthed. She smirked and went upstairs, bumping into my right shoulder, on purpose. She'll pay for this!

"Where were you yesterday?" I asked.

"At my grandmas, why?" She asked. Grandmas huh. . .yeah right.

"Suuree! " Notice the sarcasm.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah yeah, come on in." I moved out of the way to let her pass. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"What you doing during spring break?" She asked.

"Nothing much, just chillax. You?"

"The same. Why are you acting so.......different. Where's the Dani I know?" She asked.

"I'm right here bae!" I responded. Yes, I call her bae cuz that's how we roll and because she's ma' bae.

"Why have you been trying to ignore me?" She asked. Oh, now I understand.

"About that..."

"Yes, about that."

"I don't know, I was jus-"

"Has Dani told you about her chicken guy?" Lauren interrupted me. She wouldn't. Damn it! I didn't want to mention this to her. Wait, did she say 'her chicken guy'? Oh heck no!

"Chicken guy?" Claire questioned, in a surprised kind of tone. I looked over at Lauren, who was making her way to the kitchen. I sighed and looked back at Claire. Confusion was planted on her face. I'm not telling her, I'm lying. I tell her everything, but lately we've been so distant and it's just....not how it used to be. Claire is still waiting for an answer, but I tried to ignore her. I look down, to the left side and then to right, but it's no use. I feel her glare burning holes through me.

"Uh. So. Um. What you wanna do?" I asked, trying to break this awkward silence.  

"Well, I don't know. You usually suggest the dumbest ideas so I d-"

"So I'm dumb?" I interrupt her.

"What? No! It was ju- forget it. I'll leave you alone now. You've changed, a lot. That's all I'm saying." She said before standing up and walking out of the house. Good, I don't care anymore. I stood up and sprinted upstairs, but not before Ms. Lauren stopped me by asking questions. .

"Where she go? What you do Dani? Did she get scared when you told her about the chicken guy? Or did sh-"

"He is not a chicken guy! His name is Mason!" I vociferated. She gazed at me for a moment, until she couldn't control her laughter. But why? Oh wait, because I was defending him. . .

Well I was just defending him. It doesn't mean nothing.

No! It means a lot!

Everybody would have done it. Right?

No! First you make fun of him and  then you defend him. First you give him a surname and then yo-

Shut up!

Okay I need to stop arguing with myself.  It just gets out of control.

"Stop laughing you little piece o-"

"Of chicken?" She interupted, while still snickering. Ok this is not funny.

"You're dead." I angerly stated. I think she didn't hear me because by this point, she would have been running for her life all around the house. But instead she continued to chortle like never before. She's going down!

With all my strength, I ranned into Lauren and pierced her against the wall, making her stop laughing and pay close attention to me.

"You. Are. Such. A. Horrible. Older. Sister."

"That's. What. Older. Sisters. Are. For." She got out of my grip and smirked before walking back into the kitchen. With my left hand, I roamed my fingers through my hair, you know, the thing I do when I'm nervous, or furious like right now.



The first half of spring break has been really drearing. We haven't done anything, well I haven't. No covers, no writing, nothing. Spring break is to take a short vacation from work and school, to spend time with family and friends, but it hasn't been like that, not even close.

"Hey Dani." I heard Lauren say from the doorway of our room.

"Danielle, for you." I said in a serious kinda tone. Haha, I'm a horrible younger sister! But the best at the same time! I don't know if that makes sense.

"Okay then, let me try that again." She walked out of the room, spinned around and came back in. Ookk....

"Hello, Danielle Nicole Cimorelli." Really? I hate when they say my whole name!  But I'm not going to let her win, no, I'm not an easy prey, that's why they call me Dani!!! Just kidding...but still!

"Hello, Laurenzo."

"Lauren, for you." She says. I have a feeling she's trying to mock me...she aint as good though. I'm a thousand times better!!! Even my name is cooler! Haha!

"What type of name is Lauren?" I muttered.

"Atleast people don't confuse my name with a guys name!"  Ouch, that hurts. . . I bit my tongue.

I jumped off my bed and walked out of the room,  smirking while I passed through Lauren.

"You suck!" I muttered.

"I heard that!" She yelled from inside the room.

"You were supposed to!" I yelled back.

"Suuure!" She sarcastically exclaimed. Okay, things between us have been out of control. Well, not really. I'm just 'pretending' to be mad at her. Lets see how long I'll be able to dessemble being mad. This game is bearly starting!


Sorry for a late update :/

I had no wifi. . . which sucked. But now I'm back!


Feedback is appreciated :)

Don't be a ghost reader. . .

This chapter was kinda short and boring.

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