What Is This?

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Alright, guess what? I has... a dreaded rant. Here we go.

So, I'm in a group project that's the final project for the school year and makes up a HUGE f*cking percentage of our grade. We started off by doing each part of the project (which spans Language Arts, Math, Science, and Geography) on our own, and then had to put it all together in an ibook. This was a big enough task on its own! We had to write a four to six page essay on a topic, create a special purpose map, write a four to ten page short story, make a factsheet on an endangered animal--and create a graph.

Then, they tell us that we HAVE TO CREATE AN ENTIRE TEN MINUTE LONG SKIT TO PRESENT INSTEAD OF JUST PRESENTING THE IBOOK. WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. F*CK. So, you know what my group of the ENTIRE OPPOSITE SEX decides to do? The FLIPPIN PURGE. So, I go out of my way to work on the script, right? Well guess who doesn't contribute very much to the script? The three other members of my group. I actually saw one of them go online at nine, and the next day he tells me, "I fell asleep at seven." YOU DIRTY LITTLE LIAR. Then, yesterday, the day before the thing is due and the only day we had left to record two of my group mates have to leave. One doesn't specify why, and the other says "I have to leave so I can read one hundred pages to get something I want." Something you WANT?! Like, what? So he leaves, and me and my other group mate are forced to come up with a way to turn out four minute skit into a ten minute one. We write an email to the other group mates saying that we're going to change some stuff, and send it. Fifteen minutes later guess who decides to show back up? The one who left for something he wanted. And he yells at US for changing the script. We eventually calm him down, and record as much as we can of the damned thing.

Then today, we had to present. We had tried to add pictures to our video and guess what the six minute thing turned into? A TWENTY SEVEN MINUTE SLOW MO. So, we obviously couldn't present that so we used the version without the pictures. Then, while we're up there in front of the entire grade (and the b*tches who call themselves human) our presentation glitches out and audio gets deleted or overlapped, and footage goes missing. And there I am, standing in front of the entire grade as they watch what feels like my every move. Now let me explain something: I have a condition known as social anxiety. Whenever I'm in a social situation I start shaking, my palms get sweaty, my eyes start tearing, my throat closes up, I feel like everyone is and I breath as if I'm hyperventilating. Now, I'm up there and my teachers are looking at me with this look that kills me. Then my geography teacher says the next group is going and that he wants to talk to us alone in the hallway, so we follow him. He tells us that we have until the end of lunch to write a new script. So, we do. And I again end up writing the majority of it. Then, during this one of our group members has to leave because he's sick, and we have to present it without him.


That is all for today. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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