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why did we even date?

you're actually just such a bitch, what the fuck was i thinking?

what the fuck was taehyung thinking, when he decided to be friends with you? you suddenly turned around and stabbed him in the back.

ring a bell? it should.

because you did, and i can't forgive you.

he was still pissed off at me. when i tried to reach out to him, he told me to 'fuck off', and to 'find some more friends, because i'm not associating myself with you anymore'. i was heartbroken. i really was.

and you know what? i should've listened to yugyeom.

yeah, you know yugyeom. your ex?

i should've listened to what that crackhead had to say.

pardon my use of words, but he was right. he told me you were a liar. he told me you'd take my friends away from me. but he never told me that you'd take them away.

-from, jimin.

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