Chapter Four - The Secret and The Robin Hunting

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Hello guys! this chapter is ON FIRE!!!! it will feel like a thriller! keep on reading, because i will also post the next chapter!

Hope you guys find it interesting. 

X0X0 XD!



The Secret


The Robin Hunting

So far the mood had settle with tension around Table six and Table seven where Kyle and his pack were. Their orders placed in front of them were recently delivered and I hoped they would eat and leave as soon as possible.

Everyone was trying to act like normal, but you could tell that it was forced. Ethan would take a peek now and then, same as Kyle. And the most troublesome was that not only they were checking up on each other, but every time I walked I would feel their eyes burning my back as if they were trying to set me on fire.

“Hey waitress, Bring the check.” Ethan asked narrowing his eyes at me, while I tried really hard to look at the plates I was removing.

“What’s up with all the ‘Robin’ stuff you said earlier? Now you’re gonna pretend you don’t know her?” Said Kyle from his seat.

Damn you! If possible, that is exactly what I want! That both of you will forget me by the end of the day.

“Knowing names doesn’t mean I have to use them. Yours, for example. I prefer saying douchebag.” He smirked devilish at Kyle who lost a few centimeters down of his smile.

Without saying anything, I retreated counting in my head the minutes left for them to leave.

I almost ran to get both their checks because this pressure was bad for my heart. After recollecting myself a little, my lungs filled with air exhaling it after in a tranquilization ritual. My feet moved and now I was handing both papers to Ethan and Kyle.

“Here you go.” I said handing the little postsign folder that contained the check to Ethan.

His deep blue ocean eyes stalked me for one second in which I almost stopped breathing.

Marching on his opposite direction, I handed the other check to a guy whose hands almost double mine. Kyle took the check without diverting his gaze off me and threw it on the table.

“You know, R. Strauss, I don’t remember asking you the bill.” He pointed, whilst his chin rested on his hand waiting for me to give an explanation.

Shit! I was so excited that Table six was leaving, that forgot they –Ethan and Kyle bunch- weren’t together. It must have been that my desires for both to go were even stronger than I thought.

“I’m sorry, but since you all finish eating I thought it would be efficient if I brought this for you.” I said with embarrassment -i hate to admit- while my cheeks were burning red, giving away the obvious mistake i had committed. 

“You thought…” Said Kyle with sarcastic amuse. “What a considered person, indeed. So efficient that it almost seems like you are desperate to see us leave.” His eyebrow lifted and the corner of his mouth got up, making me sweat like a pig in a sauna.

“It’s not that.” I lied. “Like I said, I just brought you this so you don’t have to wait. It’s your choice if you pay right now or you spend more time here. Either way it is up to you whether to pay now and leave or do it later and stay. Your call.”

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