We climbed the stairs to the top floor there was no door frame or anything just a brick wall, but what you didnt know about the wall is the it was a secret door hence my dad calling it "The secret room" I let go of his hand and removed the middle brick of the wall and put it on the stair next to me, then behind where the brick layed was another brick but it had a marking on it, it looked like a funny crossbow and a fancy circle that had been turned upside down or something like that anyways it was the assassin seal and when you touched it the wall would unlock and when you put the brick back it would automaticly open. I never understood how it did that but every time i did it, it was like watching it for the first time again so i knew how kirby felt as he was behind me watching every move i made and when the wall moved i could hear him slightly gasp in amazment.
I steped in side the room holding his hand and listening for the wall to move back and shut, when it finally shut it was complete darkness, until a hundred candles lit up by magic around the room. It was a strange room the best way i can discribe it to you is like this. There was a single pathway in the middle of the room, in the middle of the path was a statue of Altiar holding a sword in one hand and a hidden blade on the other hand, you could walk around the statue and at the back of the room was a table and chest filled with robes and wepons of different verierty, but on each side of the path it was filled with water from the rivers of Roma (Rome) my farther says, but i cant understand how they managed to get gallons of centry year old water all the way over to England? But still, I walked passed my grandfarthers statue and left Kirby to admire it and imagine himself looking like him, i went to the chest and grabbed my things and then took out a white robe,cape, a white assasin head cover, gloves, boots and other different pieces, i didnt get any wepons for him because he had to found out for himself which he was most comfortable using tonight. I went to him and passed him his stuff and we turned our back so we could get changed, i helped him with the stuff he didnt know where it went and i also told him what everything did trying to make him more confident and relaxed for later.
When we had finished he told me to look at Altiars statue, at the bottom of the statue where his feet were there was a circle inbetween he asked "Why is there a random circle inbetween his feet, Beth?"
I slid around Altiar and went to the table, on the table layed a small wooden box, inside was a circular stone about the size of your hand. I shut the lid to the box and went back over to the statue and placed the stone in the seal,"It has a long sword on it, to show which wepon Altiar used, each assasin has one made when you die and when you put the stone in the seal and turn it around it should slide back and reveial something in a vault, which will appear and open up you choice what goes in there, i think i know whats in here but you will soon find out what it is and what it does also the history behind it, oh if your lucky i might or my dad will show you how to use it but we will have to wait and see because use it wrong and it can become very, very dangerous." i explained to him.
"Kirby can you do me a favour and take the stone out of the seal please, becareful not to break it or to turn the stone cause remember i said it can open the vault, and i dont know where the vault is" I asked nicly as i walked back over to the chest to get my dads things. As i closed the lid to the chest with my arms filled with robes, armour and wepons i notice Kirby looked slightly worried.
"Beth" he trembled, "I think i may have accidently opened the vault..."
I ran over to the seal to see the stone in a different perssion, I sighed and smiled at Kirby. "Im not mad dont worry and my dad wont be either, just take the stone out and we will give him his stuff and tell him and we will go and shut the vault" ...Kirby pulled the stone out of the seal and placed it back in its box on the table treating as if it was the crown jewls.