Why me?

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Marks P.O.V.

       "W-What?" I asked in shock. "HE'S FUCKING DYING MARK NOW GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" He yelled and I could hear him start to break down. "I'll be there soon." I said and hung up, tears flooding my eyes. "Mark? Mark wants wrong?" Jack asked. "My dad....is dying..." I said, too shocked to move. "He's--- Mark we need to get there as fast as we can! Why are you not freaking out?" He asked. I didn't respond.

     He put his and my phone but his pocket and grabbed our food and coffee and pulled me outside. He opened the car and made sure I was secure on the other side before getting into the drivers seat and turning on the car. Tears started to drip out of my eyes as Jack started to drive.

Why today?

Why now?

Why me?


Jack's P.O.V.

         "Mark I need fooking directions! Right or left?" I said. "Right." He replied. I turned right. "What now?" I asked. "Make a left on Cresmont street then a right on Montgomery lane." He said. I did what he told me to. "Keep going straight then take a left and the hospital will be on the right." He said and in a matter of minutes, we were at the hospital.

Reality started to hit Mark when we got to the hospital and he started to cry more. "What room is {marks dad's name} Fishback?" I asked the lady at the front desk. "Room 307." She said. "Thank you." I said and I brought Mark too the room. He ran in and I walked in after him (HIM KEEPS CORRECTING TO HER UGH. MARK IS NOW A MAGICAL GIRL LOLOLOL) "Mark." His dad smiled at him then looked at me. "You must be Seań. You take good care of my son, you here me?" He said. "Yes sir." I replied.

       "Tom, you watch those two. Make sure they don't do something stupid." {Marks dad's name} said. "Can't stop what's already been done but I'll try." Tom replied. I walked over to Mark and put one of my hands on his shoulder. "Mark, be careful with this one. He's a keeper." His dad said and smiled at me. Mark looked back at me and smiled before looking back at his dad. The heart rate monitor started to falter and Mark and Tom kneeled next to the bed and took {inserts marks dad's name again} hands, knowing this would be the final moment they spent with their father.

       I kneeled next to Mark and held his free hand. "I love you both so much...." he said before the monitor ceased and flat lined. Small sniffles came from Mark and Tom before they both started sobbing. I hugged Mark tightly and let a few tears slip myself.


*Time skip bc I don't know what happens after ppl die so.....*

Jacki💕- wut kinda ice cream do u guys want?

Marki❤- I don't care I just need ice creammmmm

Tom~Tom- I don't care either. Just buy a loaf of ice cream I'll pay you back.

Jacki💕- alright. I bought chips and soda as well. Do you guys want anything else because I don't mind getting it for you guys

Marki❤- that's fine. Thx jacki 😙

Tom~Tom- Thx Jack

Jacki💕- np marki and Tom lol. I'll be back in a bit.

Marki❤-k be safe

//Holding onto you//-Septiplier Skype story Where stories live. Discover now