Chapter 1: Escape

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 Hey! This chapter is written by both redvelvetcat and darkapocalypse9. Dedicated to emigirlpanda66 cus, she's epic :P you got a problem with that? Yea, i didn't think so?


**************************2 Years Later**********************************

An ear-piercing alarm sounded as I rounded the corner, being tailed by several guards. Get to the arsenal, grab a sword, and kill them all. That was my game plan, straight forward, but effective. I continued to race through what seemed like an endless amount of halls. I came up to a pair of titanium doors, locked with a code. I rapidly punched in the code, as I had seen guards do a million times. The doors revealed a staircase, which led to the upper level. I swerved though several royals and zipped through the mosaic glass doors. I cut a final corner into a hallway which would lead to the arsenal. I flew by a pair of guards who were doing a routine inspection, knocking them off their feet. There! Just a few yards away were the arsenal doors. Without warning, the doors flew open, revealing a group of guards, fully armed. Glancing behind me, I saw a few others who had been chasing me earlier round the corner. I was trapped. Of course, I wasn’t about to give up there.

I rushed towards the side of the group, using my momentum to leap off the wall and into the air. I swiftly nailed an unsuspecting guard in the head with a clean kick. His sword clattered to the ground as he fell onto castle floors. I grabbed it in an instant. Game over I thought. The sword in my hands began to distort. The dull sword transformed into a razor-sharp katana with a blood red blade that glistened in the light. The golden cross guard took the shape of wings. A sharp tooth protruded from the end of the hilt. I swung the reborn blade with all my might. A giant red shockwave shot out and wiped out all the guards, leaving them unconscious. This is it. I thought.

I ran like I had never run before, destroying walls and pillars with the sword, hoping to slow down anyone who was still chasing me. I found the castle entrance and completely demolished it. Wood and metal exploded all around me. I ran past the destroyed entrance and stopped. I found myself on a ledge overlooking a moat. The door I had just wiped-out was the bridge used to cross the murky water.

I could see the beautiful sunset just on the horizon. I could feel its rays warming me. The breeze felt nice on my face as I gazed out into the kingdom. I hadn’t felt this way in years. But this wasn’t the time to rejoice. The guards would be after me in under a minute. I had to keep moving. I took a long jump and landed on the other side of the moat in a crouch. The grass felt nice under my caloused hands. 

I looked up towards a set of iron gates that led led to the town. My head then whipped to turn towards the high, stone walls that surrounded the kingdom's perimeter. Past it was large, lush forest covering most of the land. I had to make my choice. Either, go through the village to what used to be my home, or into the dangerous forests, into freedom. I could hear the footsteps of several people running towards me. Guards I thought. My mind was made up.

I ran towards the tall, stone wall. It was a good five meters to the top and falling really wasn't an option. I could climb it, easily. My sword disappeared into smoke as I gave a large leap before gripping hard on the bricks of the wall. Grunting, I slowly lifted myself up, making sure not to lose lose my footing. Whoosh! An arrow whistled by my ear just as I reached the top of the wall. Its head found itself in the trunk of a nearby tree. Swiftly jumping to the other side, I avoided a spear that would otherwise have split my head.

I landed hard on the grass, but i immediately picked myself up and made a mad-dash towards the edge of the forest, dodging any other weapons that happened to some my way, including a...ham? Thats when I realized I had made my way to the dark forest. To freedom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2012 ⏰

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