Chapter One

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I woke up to the grey cold morning that ghosted my room; I looked over at my alarm clock and fell back against my bed. 6:00am. I still had two hours until I had to be at school, why had I set my alarm clock for so early? I sighed as I pushed back the warm covers that enveloped me; the cold air greeted me evilly as I wished that I could curl into a cosy ball. But that wasn’t going to happen until late tonight. I grabbed my black dressing gown that trailed behind me and wrapped it around my shaking body. I slipped my sock covered feet onto the cold floor, feeling the harsh coldness underneath them.

I could see the grey blue sky through the crack in my black and white laced curtains; the sight chilled me as I headed downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast. It was silent in the big mansion. The house was big enough to fill an army but the only occupants were my parents and younger sister. I made my silent way down the wooden spiral stairs pulling my black hair into a loose bun. It was so dark down here I should have turned the bloody lights on, but no those idea’s don’t usually hit me until after they are needed. So I tripped down the last couple of stairs, bruising my already bruised arm, the dark purple showing up dramatically against my pale skin. My blue eyes scanned for the light switch that would make my life a whole lot easier I fumbled around a bit until finally flipping the switch, the bright light blinding my eyes for a moment. The kitchen still smelt of last night’s dinner; homemade pasta and sauce.

I pulled open the stainless steel fridge searching around for something edible and yummy, my hunting eyes only landing on the last mangily pieces of bread and a browning banana. I resorted to the cupboard settling for cornflakes and milk. I munched away on my breakfast pondering the coming day. It was the first day of June, first day of winter and only a couple weeks left of school, study for exams was big on the minds of people who wanted to do well, assignments being finished or started for those who loved to procrastinate and buying dresses and other items for the winter dance.

I drank the last bit of milk left in my bowl and placed it in the sink to be washed up later. Like many I liked to procrastinate on the dishes. I headed back up the chilling stairs, grabbed my ironed uniform and headed to my bathroom I shared with my sister. The bathroom was big, not extremely big but bigger than the normal sized bathrooms. I turned on the shower letting it steam up before I ventured in. I pulled the hair tie from my hair letting my soft curls full down around my shoulders. Finally I took off the pendant necklace that my Granma gave me before she died. I slipped into the shower letting the hot water sting my cold skin, steam rising from contact and fogging up the glass. I let the water run over my body, warming the knots and chills in my neck and back before finally washing my hair.

I finally built up the courage to turn the tap off and dry the water from my skin before it started to cool and chill my warm body.  I dressed in my white and blue uniform, the plaid skirt stopping inches away from my knees which were covered with my blue stockings. The steam still radiating from my skin the scent of apple Garnier shampoo and kiwi fruit body wash dancing in the air, I liked the smell of a bathroom once someone had finished having a shower. The smell was just so comforting and warm. I dried my hair lightly before tying it up into a loose braid and tucking the necklace under my top where it wouldn’t be seen. I brushed my teeth finishing with a touch of lip gloss placing it in the inside pocket of my blazer before heading back to my room with my P.J’s.

I had already used up forty minutes. I quickly did my chores, the sounds of life starting to racket through the house as my parents got ready in their room while Louise slept some more in her room. I would sleep in if I could but my mind wasn’t always imaging up horrible nightmares (or should I say nightmare), any thought of sleeping in was always being slapped away with the harsh reality of my life.

I packed my books and lunch into my black and pink skulled bag, the only piece of individuality that the school allowed. The thrills of a school in Australia, personality goes out the door, leaving everyone to be cloned look a likes throughout the school campus. By the time I was ready it was ten past seven and Louise finally decided that it might be a good idea to shower before she gets dragged out of bed. I headed downstairs where I could hear my parents gossiping over the news. I grabbed my book that I was currently reading, The Fault in our Stars by John Green. It was currently fighting for first place on my favourite book list  (it was fighting a tough battle between Hunger Games) though unfortunately for Hunger Games I think The Fault in our Stars might be winning.

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