Chapter Fourteen

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Nas Pov
Looking at my TV screen watching the game between OKC and Golden State. Golden state was winning of course but I couldn't really focus on the game, all that was on my mind was what had transpired between me and Candice. I was having mixed feelings about the whole thing because I knew things were now going be awkward between us but I was also happy because that was long overdue and I missed her and every part of her body.

"Fuck." I yelled seeing OKC was catching up. Sucking my teeth I unlocked my phone not seeing any missed calls or text messages from anyone. Scrolling down to Candice name I pressed the call button. Putting it on speaker as I continued looking at the game it went straight to voicemail.

Shrugging I put the phone down guessing she was sleeping off that hangover. After me and her had sex she instantly knocked out. I wasn't a fan of sleeping on the floor so I left and I told myself when I woke up she would be the first person I was going to call.

The feeling of my phone vibrating against my leg snapped me out of my thoughts looking down Candice name appeared across the screen. Picking the phone up I quickly pressed the answer button.

"Wassup?" I answered casually.

"You called me." She yawned sounding tired.

"I wanted to check up on you."

"You sure that's what you called me for?" Candice asked sounding like she knew I was talking bullshit.

"About yesterday..."

"I remember everything don't worry, I just feel so like I don't know how to explain it."

"Well try." I said really wondering what she felt like.

"It's like how are we going be now what's going happen between us?" She sighed.

"What do you want to happen between us?" I questioned with a smirk on my face.

"I don't want to talk on this topic over the phone can we do this in person?"

"Yeah where you wanna meet up at?" I asked sitting up.

"I can come to your place I don't mind." Candice said sounding like she was rambling around in something.

"That's cool." I said slipping on my Nike slides.

"Alright text me your address and I'll be right over."

Hanging up I quickly sent her my address and got up to make sure everything in here was in order and looked decent. Silently thanking God that Jasmine went out shopping and whatever else she was doing wasn't any of my concern my only priority was Candice.

I don't know what my response was going to be if she was to say she wants me to be her's offically and then I didn't know what I would say if she say she don't want nothing to happen between us. It was just all bittersweet. Walking out my room and towards the bathroom I noticed Jasmine's bra and panties hanging on the shower rod. 

"This bitch really to comfortable." I mumbled under my breath snatching them both holding them by the tips of my fingers. I ain't want to accidentally catch anything. Walking quickly over to the guest room I tossed the stuff in there and closed the door shut.

On my way home last night I called my mom and told her how I was really feeling about Candice a drunk guy never tells a tale as she used to say.

"Ma, I don't know what to do." I said feeling like shit. I should be happy right now but It didn't feel right I felt that shouldn't have happened.

"Do about what Nasir why are you calling me at 11:30 in the night?" My mom asked sounding extremely annoyed and tired.

"About Candice, I want her ma."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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