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*Listen to music while reading*

Jangmi's POV
"I'm actually a fallen angel."

I stared at him. I raised my eyebrow in disbelief as Taehyung but the tip of his thumb nail.

"You're just trying to get away with all of this, aren't you? Haha, nice try."

Taehyung groaned.

"I'm serious!"

"And I'm Harry Potter," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "What is this place anyway?"

"FYI, it's the town park. I just frikin transported you here." Taehyung said, crossing his arms.

To be honest, I wasn't even sure if he was joking or being serious. But if he was actually a fallen angel, that would be friggin dope.

"Prove it," I said. Half of me wanted to see him fail and the other half of me was just plain curious.


Taehyung held his head facing the ground and closed his eyes. I crossed my arms, not knowing where this was going. Suddenly, I looked at his shoes.

They were slowly floating.

"OMG OMG OMG WTF THIS IS SO COOL" is what I wanted to blurt out, but I had to keep my resting bitch face.

Taehyung was floating in midair. He slowly opened his eyes and flew to me. He held me in his arms as I squeaked with surprise.

"Hold on."

"BOI, I WILL." I started to kick my feet in midair as Taehyung flew higher and higher and higher. "WE'RE LIKE A MILLION FEET UP IN MIDAIR."

Taehyung then started jumping. We were above the park trees, and I could see the roofs of all the buildings nearby. Taehyung jumped from roof to roof, causing my hair to unravel with the wind.

I wanted to feel the ground on my feet again.

"Yo Taehyung my feet need the ground."

Taehyung dropped me.


Taehyung caught me just a foot from the ground as I jumped into the ground and kicked him in the shin.


"That's what you get for dropping me, you di-"

I stopped a bit to stare at Taehyung giving me a disgusted look.

"-dinosaur." (You thought)

"Now do you believe me?" Taehyung crossed his arms and looked at me with annoyance.

"UGHHHHHHHHH- fine. Fine. Fine. Sure."

I didn't want to admit it, but it was true that he was a fallen angel. For starters, I wanted to know why he had fallen onto earth. Maybe it was a crime for being too handsome in Heaven. I don't know, I had a lot of questions.
Suga's POV
God, when is she gonna text back...

I scratched my head as I sighed.


I tripped onto the ground and face planted before scrambling to my phone.

1 new message.

Seulgi - I'm good, hbu?

I cleared my throat. "Okay Yoongi, stay calm. Stay. Calm."

Yoongi - im good.

I regretted sending the message as soon as I pressed the send button.
I ruffled my already messy hair as I heard another 'ding' come from my phone.

Seulgi - so why did you text me?

'Ya know what f this imma go with the flow,' I thought.

Yoongi- idk, I was bored.

Seulgi - seriously? I told you to bother me when you actually have a reason to.

Seulgi - bye

Yoongi - nuuuuu don't leave

Yoongi - I'll be bored to death without you

Yoongi - you're the only one 4 mee

Seulgi - desperate, are we?

Yoongi - yay you're back

Yoongi - I had something to ask you

Seulgi - spill

Yoongi - are you free tomorrow

Seulgi - why do you ask?

Yoongi - no reason

Seulgi - yeah I'm free but why

Yoongi - just meet me at the park and you'll see

Seulgi - Yoongi you know I can't stand surprises

Seulgi - Yoongi


Seulgi - fine then I'll see you tomorrow
A/N: oh my gawd GUYS DID YOU HEAR 4 o' CLOCK oh my gawd ITS SO GOOD

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