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Kelsey quickly walked into the classroom the second the bell rang. She could hear Emery walking behind her, but she didn't really care. The girl didn't waste time getting to her desk, and just when she sat down people entered. Mr. Ghredory was already snoring away."Hey, Mr.G!" Jackson Lisen, one of Brett's buddies called, causing Ghredory to snort awake. 

"Good day class," he said tiredly, "today we'll be working on the big Chapter Five project. I assume everyone is already partnered up." The older teacher's hair flopped messily on his head, most likely from just waking up.

"Actually sir, I don't have a partner yet. My name is Emery Finn, I'm new here." Emery called out from the desk in front of Kelsey. Just after he announced his presence, the door creaked open, revealing a tall boy with dark brown hair and Green eyes.

"Ah, you must be Dallas then, I had the pleasure of meeting Dylan earlier, a fine young man he is, very polite. It's a shame the three of you aren't in the same History class. Anyways, Dallas, take a seat beside Emery, I was just about to assign your friend a partner for our big chapter 5 project." He waited for Dallas to take a seat before continuing.

"Now, I know you're new but I think you two should get a chance to meet some classmates, Emery you can be with Brandy and Mariah, girls raise your hands so Emery knows who you are." The two girls giggled flirtatiously and raised their hands causing their bracelets to jingle. 

"Okay, and Dallas you can be with- what's this? Kelsey, it seems you don't yet have a partner. So, Dallas, Kelsey is right behind you. Everyone go to your partners." 

The room erupted in noise, I looked over at my 'new partner' Dallas who was smirking at Emery. I guess Dylan told him about me too. She thought, staring at her hands.

"Hey Kelsey, I'm Dallas." The boy said, drawing her attention from her hands to him. "Don't worry, Dylan and Emery told me you were shy, I think it's cute." He said smiling charmingly, a soft blush spread across her cheeks.

"Um, d-do you have your textbook?" She asked flipping to the chapter they'd be using.

"Yep, right here," he said grabbing it off of his desk and placing it on the empty one beside her. she then started scribbling words down on a lined piece of paper while Dallas sat there awkwardly.

"This is due on the thirtieth right?" He asked her, she just nodded and continued. "Well, I can tell you're not used to working with people so why don't we just get to know each other?" Kelsey sighed, 

"fine, what do you wanna know?" She mumbled dropping her pen on her desk.

"Um, ever had a boyfriend?" He asked, tears glossed over her eyes, 

"y-yes two years ago." Dallas took notice of the pain that question brought up, and he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her. Unfortunately, Kelsey wasn't used to this and she quickly pulled away, leaving a hurt look on his face.

"Kelsey, would you mind showing Dallas around? I assume that's why he was late to class." Mr.G asked, Kelsey, sighed but nodded anyways and got out of her seat, Dallas stood with her.

"Emery put you up to this, didn't he?" She asked a bit suspicious, and by the look on Dallas' face, she was right.

"Look Kels, I know what people here are like to you, and it isn't fair. The only thing Dylan, Emery and I want is to help. Please, just trust us." He begged to her, she just rolled her eyes. 

"Two years of people hurting me and pretending, and you want me to trust you? How can I trust anyone?" She shouted, tears threatening to fall, Emery came out of the classroom, and Dylan soon came from somewhere else. 

"Listen, Kelsey, you're going to have a panic attack if you don't calm down." Dylan said to her, slowly walking up to her. "Just come sit down, right over here it's okay." He kept saying things like this until they were in a little hidden part that Kelsey herself didn't know was there.

"Take a seat and calm down okay?" He said, her breathing was quick and shallow leaving her lips numb.

"C'mon Kels, sit with me right here I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," Dallas whispered to her, letting her lean on him.

"I-I-I," she stuttered not able to form words, her brain was scattered and she could hardly think.

They must've been out there longer than she thought because finally, the bell rang.

"I've got a free period till lunch, what about you guys?" Dylan asked the other two nodded. Funny enough, it was Kelsey's free period as well.

"Why don't we go outside, what do you think Kelsey?" Dylan asked crouching in front of her. The girls breathing had slowed down, but it still was a bit fast.

"N-n-no, too many, p-p-people." She stuttered the sounds of boys obnoxiously laughing rang through the air.

"Don't be afraid Kelsey, all three of us will be right here, whether you like it or not."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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