Welcome home

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"Goodbye guys" I wave at my grandparents as I board the plane. You'd think that after my parents died in a plane crash I would be terrified of them. But I'm a strong person and I've learned to over come my fear of planes. Everything happens for a reason. I just have to accept the fact that that's how God wanted my parents to go.They were good, no GREAT people. .I know they're in a better place.

As I sit down in my window seat and wait for take off I plug my headphones into my iPhone and Tap on Pandora. Ed Sheeren's U.N.I starts to play and I relax a little in my seat. I literally love his voice.


"Ow" I groan as my head hits against the window it was leaning on. For a few seconds I'm in a daze not really sure where I am or what's happening. The it hits me as hard as that window. Plane, California, fell asleep, window. All those thoughts rush through my head as I start to panic.

"Hello fellow travelers, your pilot speaking. Sorry to alarm you but we were just hit up by a really strong wind. But rest assure everything is fine now and there will be no other disturbances. But for your safety I advise everyone to please put your safety belts on and turn off electronics thank you."

I fumbled with my phone trying to exit the Pandora app that was now playing Why don't you love me by Hot Chelle Rae. I looked out the window to see green and blue all around. We were probably going to land soon. I lay my head back on the window but couldn't fall asleep even if I wanted to. If the plane started shaking again it'd be better if I was awake.

My whole life's about to change I thought as I looked at the ground beneath us. I'm so grateful that Linda and Damien are allowing me to stay in there house for my senior year. Linda's a nurse while Damien is a Lawyer. I'm guessing they're pretty rich but that doesn't really matter to me. My parents had lots of money too before they died. Most of it was locked away for my college funds and the rest was given to my grandparents. I try not to think about them much. How my life would be different if they were still here. I feel like going bak home, to California will be a good experience that will help me feel closer to them.


"Darling Rachel Honey!" I turn to the source of the voice an see a lady with dark black hair that are in long curls that reach her waist. She looks to be in her early forties. She's wearing a white lace dress and blue flats. When she sees my face she starts walking towards me with two hands out ready to hug. Well she was obviously Linda but I did not expect her to me so touchy touchy. "Hi!" I hugged her back briefly. "Oh my goodness you've grown so much!" Nah it's been eleven years what'd you expect?

I just smiled back at her and she started ranting about how excited she was that I was here. "I've always wanted a daughter and----" I tuned her out after a while and just nodded every few seconds. When we got all my luggage I walked outside to see a escalade waiting with a banner on the side reading Welcome home Rach!

Wow these people sure now how to make someone feel wanted. I couldn't suppress the smile that was tugging at the corners of my lips. I turned around quickly and gave her a smile of appreciate "You shouldn't have" She just smiled back at me satisfied that I liked the little surprise. "Just wait till we get home darling, the surprises aren't even close to ending"

We pull up to a rich looking neighborhood. I am twisted in my seat facing the window trying to soak in everything that passes by. Ice cream shops, Malls, skating rinks, fast food places. It doesn't sound like much but in Oregon you'll be lucky if the sun shines enough for your Ice cream to melt. I smile as memories start to flood my mind and I'm starting to be actually happy after so long. I've missed this place so much. When we start pulling up to a block full of houses the stores and people drift behind us and a bunch of mansions start to come into view--- wait what?!?!?! These houses are hella huge! I'm about to turn around in my seat and ask if we're in the right direction but she starts pulling into a drive way. Oh. My. Gosh. "Welcome home Honey" Linda says.

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