~Missy's P.O.V~

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I was woken up by screaming. As I looked over I saw Kaidence thrashing around on her bed screaming as loud as she could. Slowly I slid out of my bed and walked over to her and layed my hand on her shoulder.

Once she felt my hand on her shoulder she shot off of her bed and landed on the floor. I ran over to her to see her sobbing.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as she burried her head in the side of my neck and sobbed even louder.

Ever since this started she has had gruesome nightmares. She said it was of her parents dying over and over again.

Finally when she was able to calm down there was the sound of someone clearing their throat. We both looked over to see Austin.

I lety go of Kaidence and followed Austin out of the room. When we walked into a room that was quiet Austin said the dreaded words;

"They are getting stronger."

Great. Now what are we going to do. The building we are staying in isn't exactly safe. We have nowhere else to go.

I hadn't even noticed that I was crying ubtil Austin took me into his arms. We just stood in the middle of the room in an embrace until I backed away.

Hopefuly we figured something out. We couldn't lose more kids. And now we all had to tell the kids we have to move.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2012 ⏰

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